chapter 15 [Try it]

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This time, my thoughts were strangely disrupted.

Liang Sunian blinked in confusion, and after a while he found his voice: "Yes, I just finished playing ball and my body was covered in sweat. I can't bear it, so I can't do it without washing."

Xie Jiaran said: "But it's not even half past eight now, you're early."

As he spoke, heat sprayed on the side of his neck, making the itching even worse.

Liang Sunian scratched that spot twice uncomfortably, then straightened up and walked around to the empty seat next to him to sit down.

"It's not early." He squinted his eyes and yawned lazily: "There's nothing to do in the dormitory anyway. Your art building is close to the shade, so just come here to enjoy the shade."

The art building is cooler than any other teaching building or dormitory, which is true.

Xie Jiaran hummed softly, which was regarded as approval.

Liang Sunian is actually not very keen on playing mobile games. If there were not two cheap sons in the dormitory clamoring and begging to take them, he would hardly open them.

After Xie Jiaran finished drawing a part of the picture, he distracted himself and saw the people next to him idly turning on their mobile phones to kill time, only occasionally opening them to reply to a message.

It seems very boring.

Xie Jiaran thought for a while and then called him: "Liang Sunian, do you want to give it a try?"

"Huh?" Liang Sunian raised his head: "What are you trying?"

"Drawing strawberries." Xie Jiaran said seriously: "I promised to teach you last time, do you still want to learn it now?"

He said he wanted to teach, so he really used up his patience and drew a strawberry that was exactly the same as last time at a speed that was more than three times slower.

From drawing to coloring to shading, every step is explained in extreme detail.

"It's very simple to draw. It doesn't use a lot of colors and doesn't require any skills. It's no problem if you are a novice."

He took off the drawing paper with the strawberry on it and handed it to Liang Sunian: "You can refer to this and follow the steps I just explained, and you should be able to learn it quickly."

Liang Sunian took the painting and looked at it for a while, then looked at Xie Jiaran, and suddenly laughed.

Under Xie Jiaran's puzzled gaze, he pointed to his nose and said seriously: "Do you feel that I look like a child being taken to work by my parents?"

Xie Jiaran groaned, not understanding.

Liang Sunian said: "When I was young, my mother took me to her company to work like this. She was afraid that I would get bored and cause trouble, so she found me a painting book from somewhere for me to flip through and play with. Once we start, we won’t disturb her work.”

Xie Jiaran said hurriedly: "But you didn't bother me. I wanted to teach you."


Liang Sunian leaned back in his chair and smiled, the pencil skillfully turning out shadows between his fingers: "I'm so old, I can't still be naughty, right? I just suddenly thought of it and thought it was fun, so I'll tell you."

"Keep drawing, thank you, Teacher. I'll do some research myself and check the results for you later."

What he taught Liang Sunian was really a strawberry drawing method that was difficult to draw with simple figures. He thought that this "a while" would only last three to five minutes, and at most it took ten minutes. However, half an hour later, the person who said he wanted to check the results for him also failed. No movement.

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