chapter 2 [Symptoms]

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In the bathroom.

Xie Jiaran lowered his head, supported the edge of the sink with one hand, covered his face with his right hand that still had the touch, and let it go for a few seconds.

Then he turned on the faucet and poured cold water on his face one after another.

The itch that was attached to the surface of the skin was greatly relieved the moment he hooked Liang Sunian's palm.

Unfortunately it was only for a brief moment.

After the separation, my body, which had tasted some sweetness but not received more comfort, began to protest, and the discomfort more than doubled.

He exhaled a few deep breaths and raised his head against the wetness on his face.

The young man in the mirror looked at him.

There is no doubt that he has outstanding looks, and his facial features are so delicate that they are not even remotely offensive.

The pupils are clean and pure black, with beautiful double eyelids and slightly drooped eye corners. It should have been a very well-behaved look, but it was reduced to nothing because of the coldness between the eyebrows.

Even his eyes were covered with a chill.

——If he smiles, he will look very good-looking.

This is everyone's most intuitive first impression of him, but unfortunately no one can truly objectively verify it.

Just like no one knew that he also suffered from incurable skin hunger syndrome despite severe mysophobia.

No one knew that while he resisted contact with outsiders, he could not suppress his inner desire to be touched intimately.

Two completely opposite symptoms coexisted in his body, and the unsolvable contradiction was best demonstrated in him.

Fortunately, the two are not evenly matched, and Turtle Hair Mysophobia will always be slightly better.

More than his desire for intimate contact, he could not stand any unhindered physical contact with outsiders. So often when the disturbing skin hunger syndrome attacks, he can only clumsily choose to use sleep to paralyze himself.

Fortunately, the symptoms are not serious and can be dealt with more than enough.

But this balance that had been maintained for many years was ruthlessly broken after Liang Sunian moved into his dormitory.

Their dormitory has always been a mixed dormitory, he is in the art department, and the other three have two architecture departments and one foreign language department.

Later, the person from the Department of Foreign Languages took a temporary leave of absence due to personal reasons, and Liang Sunian from the Department of Political Science and Law of the same year moved in without the opportunity.

At that time, Xie Jiaran did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

It wasn't until Liang Sunian, who was not familiar with his bad habits, put his arm on his shoulders skillfully, and he was stunned for an unprecedented two seconds before pushing him away, that things gradually began to become uncontrollable.

Liang Sunian's unappealing mysophobia was invalidated.

Like a special being that suddenly broke into his life, he unexpectedly couldn't feel any dislike or resistance towards Liang Sunian, whom he had never seen before.

Just like before, they were all grown-up boys who had just come off the court and were full of arrogance. He was extremely repelled by the group of people he met on the road and just wanted to stay away from them.

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