chapter 13 [Greedy]

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He thought it would offend people, so he quickly turned over and looked around.

But I saw the man spreading the back of his hands happily, looking happily at the little strawberry at the tiger's mouth.

I was probably afraid that it would be invisible after taking a shower, so I happily took several pictures with my phone.

Their eyes met because the other party raised his head inadvertently.

Liang Sunian raised his lips and shook his phone at him, then lowered his head and typed.

The mobile phone next to his pillow vibrated. Xie Jiaran opened WeChat. It was Liang Sunian who sent him a message:

Supai: [Did I draw it while I was sleeping? 】

Xie Jiaran was torn between apologizing and not apologizing, and in the end he only replied "Hmm".
A long time ago: [Why didn’t you remind me? 】

Xie Jiaran bit his lower lip, thinking that he should apologize.

Full of guilt, I was about to reply when the other party sent two more messages:

Su Ping Nian: [I almost went in to take a shower just now. If you washed it off before you saw it, that would be a big thank you to me. 】

A long time ago: [The painting is very beautiful. Can you teach me next time? (* ̄︶ ̄*)】

The guilt was quickly packed away and tossed aside.

Xie Jiaran looked at the emojis at the end of the words and couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth with a very shallow arc:

X. : [Okay, I’ll teach you next time. 】-

The word "youth" is definitely a headache.

As Sun Han said, the scope is too broad, there are too many things that can be drawn, and there are too many forms of expression that can be chosen, which makes people uncertain about paying attention.

For this reason, Xie Jiaran has been staying alone in the studio until very late in the recent period. He has made no less than 30 drawings, but somehow he always feels that something is missing.

Failing to express the most outstanding things, the "youth" in his works lacks the most attractive and brilliant flavor.

Lin Shan looked worried for him: "Why don't we put it aside for a while, let the brain rest, and then draw again when inspiration comes."

As he thought of something, his nose wrinkled angrily: "Do you know that Sun Han has been secretly chewing your tongue behind your back recently?"

Xie Jiaran kept painting and asked casually: "What?"

Lin Shan: "He said that you have exhausted your talent. You can't even draw this simple theme. You will definitely be defeated by him in this competition. Hey, I am confused. He is a thousand-year-old man, but he is so confident. Where did it come from?"

Xie Jiaran didn't even raise his head: "Don't worry about him."

Lin Shan: "I know, I'm just angry that he's so rude."

Xie Jiaran dipped a little paint into it and skillfully mixed out the color he wanted: "What happens in the competition is what is said on the field. It is useless to say anything until the work is painted."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Lin Shan nodded: "Okay, then whatever he wants to say, I will treat it as fart. The game hasn't even started yet. I'm waiting to see him get slapped in the face."

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