chapter 17 [Cat]

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Where did the cat come from?

Xie Jiaran had never raised a small animal, let alone seen such a small cat up close.

Full of freshness, I looked at its soft ears, small head, furry body, four short claws, and swaying little tail.

It turns out that animal cubs are a hundred times cuter than he imagined.



The little milk cat's voice is sticky and sweet. When it meows, it will narrow its eyes and open its mouth wide, revealing its tender red tongue. The long tail sound will make people's ears soft.

Probably because he couldn't wait for a response, the little milk cat's voice became aggrieved, and he stretched out a paw to try to hook Xie Jiaran.

Unfortunately, it was too short and could not be hooked. Instead, it exposed her pink flesh pads.

Xie Jiaran took a deep breath and carefully slowed down his breathing.

The pen was placed on the table, and he tried to stretch out a hand and slowly approached it.

The kitten was so happy that it meowed and stretched out its paws to reach for it, but when it immediately touched it, the hand quickly retracted as if it was regretful.


Maomao tilted his head, his big eyes flashing with even greater doubts.

Xie Jiaran's avoidance was completely a conditioned reflex caused by mysophobia.

He looked at his hand hesitantly, then at the kitten, struggled a few times, and tried to reach out to touch its head again——

When Liang Sunian came back from taking a shower, he saw such a scene of a man and a cat staring at each other with big eyes.

From time to time, the kitten would wag its tail and paw at it, but Xie Jiaran, on the other hand, was completely still.

His right hand was raised in the air without hesitation, vividly displaying his complex inner activities in the current battle between humans and humans.

Liang Sunian laughed shamelessly.

Xie Jiaran came back to his senses, retracted his hand a little embarrassed, glanced at him quickly, pursed his lips and pretended to be calm: "I don't know which dormitory raised a kitten, but ran in while our door was open..."

"It's downstairs in 205. I just came back from there. I guess the little guy sneaked up after me while they weren't paying attention."

Liang Sunian came over, pinched the back of the kitten's neck and lifted him into his arms. Xie Jiaran looked at his movements of squeezing the cat's paws, which seemed familiar to him for some reason.

"You recognize it?"

"We know each other. My godson is named Xiao Guoqing and his nickname is Greedy. Greedy Greedy." Liang Sunian looked up at him and asked knowingly, "Want to touch?"

Xie Jiaran said stubbornly: "It's okay."

I don’t think about it in particular, I just think about it in general...

"But it seems to me that it really wants to be touched by you."

Liang Sunian knelt down in front of him, held the glutinous rice cake in his hand and handed it forward: "How about fulfilling my godson's little wish?"

"Meow~" It seemed to understand, and it also followed suit.

Xie Jiaran couldn't resist the temptation and started to move his hands again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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