chapter 12[Puppy love]

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What Liang Sunian said was only half right.

It was true that no one saw them on the way back to the dormitory, but it was not because there was no one on the road, but because everyone was busy doing their own thing, and no one had extra attention to give them.

From the art building to the dormitory building, you need to pass through the library, landscape lake, green avenue, and a long tree-lined avenue.

They had just crossed Landscape Lake and already saw no fewer than five couples.

Either hugging and kissing in the pavilion, or walking hand in hand along the lakeside, or sitting intimately on a bench and talking in a low voice. The laughter and laughter occasionally floated over on the wind, giving the quiet night a bit of youthful charm. .

Xie Jiaran looked at the first pair and the second pair, but he could still keep his eyes open.

When I saw the third, fourth or even fifth pair, my mood changed slightly.

He had just hugged Liang Sunian in the studio, and now he was also holding hands with him, walking leisurely back on this road full of lovers...

A little strange.

He lowered his head and looked at the hands held tightly by the two of them under the weak streetlight shaded by the lush branches and leaves. He hesitated whether to take them out, but his face was suddenly illuminated by the dazzling flashlight light.

The light dazzled his eyes, and he subconsciously closed his eyes and turned his head to avoid it.

Before he could react to what was going on, he heard a rather troubled "tsk" in his ears, and then he was pulled by Liang Sunian and started running wildly.


Xie Jiaran was dragged forward in confusion, with the sound of wind blowing in his ears.

His physical strength was much lower than that of Liang Sunian. When the two of them stopped at the door of the dormitory building, he was so tired that he could not straighten his back and could not breathe evenly. Liang Sunian was still blushing and his heart was not beating.

"This is less than 800 meters, classmate Xie Jiaran, your physical fitness needs to be improved."

While helping him along his back, the instigator made a sincere suggestion: "Would you consider getting up early and going for a morning jog when taking exams in the future?"


Xie Jiaran grew up, and for the first time he had the urge to roll his eyes at someone.

"Why are we running?" He straightened up and asked unevenly. A layer of light red appeared on her porcelain-white face.

"The lovers are here. If you don't run away, you will be invited to the principal's office for tea. Do you want to go?"

It was rare to see his unworldly roommate so lively, so Liang Sunian took a second look with interest.

What I said in the studio was not polite, it was indeed very beautiful.

"Liang Sunian, we are not lovers."

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