Chapter 10 [ Studio]

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"Lin Shan, I'm going to the bathroom. The teacher will come and ask for a leave for me in a while."

"Oh, okay, you go."

The entire corridor is deserted during school hours.

Xie Jiaran went in and closed the door with his backhand, and turned on the faucet to the maximum. The cold water kept washing over the back of his hands, taking away the little warmth he had left in his hands.

The first thing I wanted to do was call Liang Sunian.

But he soon remembered that today was Friday. If he remembered correctly, Liang Sunian had a full class on Friday afternoon and could not spare time to attend to him.

We can't let him skip class, he has already caused him a lot of trouble.

After more than ten minutes, the symptoms eased.

Xie Jiaran washed his face and returned to the classroom to continue practicing. He held the pencil and loosened it, drawing intermittently, and the speed was more than twice as slow as usual.

After Lin Shan finished drawing a sketch, he turned around and found that Xie Jiaran was still tracing lines. He sighed and said, "Jiaran, your hand speed is not good today."

She moved her joking eyes to his face, and her smile suddenly faded: "No, why don't you look good? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to take a day off and let me accompany you to the hospital?"

"Need not."

Xie Jiaran shook his head. His problem couldn't be cured by the hospital: "I'm fine. I just slept too late last night and didn't take a rest at noon today. I'm a little tired."

Lin Shan had no doubt that he was there: "Then remember to go to bed early today. Tomorrow is the weekend. You can sleep a little longer and make up for it."

Xie Jiaran: "Yeah."

The time for free practice passed quickly. The bell rang at half past six, and the students in the classroom packed up their things and left one after another.

"Jiaran, do you want to go to dinner together?"

Lin Shan extended an invitation: "A cake shop has just opened near the side entrance. I heard it's very delicious. We can go over for dinner and try something new."

"No need." Xie Jiaran refused: "I don't have much appetite, and I want to finish this exercise before leaving. Maybe next time."

Lin Shan regretted: "Okay, I'll go test the water with my guy first. If it tastes good, I'll call you next time."

As soon as he left, Xie Jiaran was the only one left in the classroom.

He stopped and put the pen on the table. He closed his eyes and took a long breath. He picked up the phone and dialed that person's number for the first time.


The voice coming from the other end of the phone had the usual lazy and comfortable voice, which could be clearly heard in the slightly noisy background: "Xie Jiaran, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you go back to the dormitory?"

Xie Jiaran seriously tried to identify where he was from the background sound, but the discomfort suddenly surged back like a wave, causing his last voice to tremble.

Liang Sunian had very sharp ears and could tell something was wrong.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" he asked.

Xie Jiaran closed his eyes and sighed.

Liang Sunian said "wait a minute" and probably walked to a place far away from the crowd. The noisy background sound was much quieter: "Where are you now, the studio?"

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