chapter 11[ Mixed blood]

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Lin Shan had just watched a movie with her boyfriend and bought a cake. When she came back and passed the teaching building, she found that the classroom lights were still on, so she knew that Xie Jiaran hadn't left yet.

With the friendly intention of reminding him to go back to rest early and give him a cake to try, he turned into the teaching building, but he never expected to encounter such a scene.

In the corner of the classroom, two boys were sitting close to each other.

One had his head lowered and his eyebrows lowered, with a sweet and serious look on his face, and the other had his head resting on his shoulder so that his expression could not be clearly seen, but looking at him from this wonderful angle, it seemed as if the latter was kissing the side of the former's neck.

Fortunately, he happened to know both of them.


Me, fuck...


Besides being dumbfounded, I was still dumbfounded.

Lin Shan was in a Spartan mood.

I couldn't believe my little eyes.

Is that person who sits obediently in other people's arms without fighting or touching, definitely the same person as Xie Jiaran, a severe mysophobia patient he knows?

Not penetrated by the soul? ?

Didn't get hit on the head by a meteorite? ? ?

Aren't they straight? ! ! !

Lin Shan looked at them stupidly, then looked down at the cake in his hand, then looked at them...

After a long while, everyone gave a thumbs up in admiration, and Hong Honghuo exited the door in a daze.

ox! -

After Xie Jiaran finished painting a vivid strawberry, Liang Sunian was still awake.

So he put down the brush, tilted his head slightly, and focused his eyes on his face.

This was the first time he saw a person from such a magical perspective, so close that he could count Liang Sunian's distinct eyelashes.

It's really an extremely superior appearance.

Even at such a close distance, no flaws can be found, and the facial features magnified in front of you are still exquisite and pleasing to the eye.

The eyebrows are deep and clear, and even if the most outstanding pair of eyes are lightly closed without leaving a gap, it can still easily make people unable to look away.

People who study art are most likely to be immersed in beautiful things.

Xie Jiaran carefully admired Liang Sunian from the center of his eyebrows to the end of his eyes, from his cheeks to his lips with a pure and objective mood.

The curvature from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose is so beautiful that it’s a bit ridiculous.

He felt a little itchy and couldn't help but move his fingertips, almost reaching out to touch it.

Fortunately, the reins of reason caught him in time.

The strawberry mark was almost ready to dry. Xie Jiaran poked it tentatively and then looked at his fingertips.

Well, no paint on it.

So he poked again, two times, three times...

It wasn't until the hand couldn't bear his harassment that he curled up his fingers and shrank, then he turned his head again and looked into Liang Sunian's half-opened eyes.

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