Chapter 14 [Walking]

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Xie Jiaran put down his phone and started packing his things.

I spent the whole night working on line drawing ideas, and the paint was not used, which saved me the most troublesome step of washing the paint tray every day.

I put away the brush drawings and picked up the art appreciation textbook that was rarely used in the afternoon class. I was still thinking about the inspiration for the last line drawing.

When he turned around, he saw Liang Sunian, who had arrived at an unknown time and was leaning leisurely at the door of the classroom, waiting for him.

His thoughts were stuck, and his expression looked a little confused: "Why are you here?"

Liang Sunian said: "I was too full after dinner and went out for a walk. I wandered downstairs to the art building without knowing it, so I came to pick you up."

Xie Jiaran walked over quickly: "Have you been waiting for a long time? Why didn't you call me?"

"It's a big sin to disturb an artist's thinking and creation." Liang Sunian said seriously: "I am a good young man and cannot commit crimes."

Xie Jiaran didn't know what to say for a moment.

Liang Sunian was amused by his "speechless" expression: "I'm kidding you, I just came here a while ago, so I didn't wait."

After saying that, he put away his phone and stood up straight: "Let's go back."

Xie Jiaran nodded obediently and said yes, then put the book in his other hand and prepared to turn off the light. After walking a few steps, Liang Sunian suddenly remembered something and turned around, his eyes wandering around his face several times.

Xie Jiaran was puzzled: "What's wrong?" He rubbed it with the back of his finger: "Did it get stained by paint?"

Liang Sunian pointed at a clean spot on the bridge of his nose: "Well, there's a little stain here."

Xie Jiaran wiped it blindly twice and turned his questioning eyes to Liang Sunian. The latter shook his head regretfully: "I didn't wipe it. Forget it, don't move. I'll help you."

Liang Sunian held back his laughter, then raised his right index finger and scratched the bridge of his nose a few times in a formal manner.

Xie Jiaran, an honest kid, had no doubts about him and allowed him to do whatever he wanted, even though no one touched his nose. He couldn't help but squint his eyes whenever he got close to him.

so similar.

Liang Sunian lowered his eyes and rolled the corners of his eyes.

"You don't seem to look well."

He adjusted his expression before Xie Jiaran opened his eyes, spread his hands in front of him, and asked "kindly" and seriously: "Do you want to hold her when you go back?"

Sometimes some actions are really beyond the control of the brain.

Just like now, Xie Jiaran obviously didn't feel uncomfortable, but when he saw Liang Sunian's open palm, his hand subconsciously reached up before his head could react.

The palm of his hand was gently squeezed a few times. He looked up blankly and saw the smile in Liang Sunian's eyes so full that it almost overflowed, until he finally couldn't help but laugh softly.

His hand was let go, the familiar warmth fell on the top of his hair, and his head was touched without authorization by Liang Sunian.

"Xie Jiaran, can I praise you?" Liang Sunian asked with a smile.

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