CHAPTER 23 : storm

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Y/n threw her body on the couch after returning from office.

Jeonghan : how was your day, Ms. Lee Roseanne Y/n? ( he asked passing a glass of water to Y/n.)

Y/n : it wasn't good at all. ( she saud before chugging the glass of water.)

Jeonghan : why so? It's was your first day after a long time...( he said running his fingers through Y/n's smooth long black hair.)

Y/n : cuz everything is so fucked up. The papers aren't done properly, millions of files are rotting on the table, employees are slagging off, Yuna is acting am gonna solve this all alone? ( she said looking at Jeonghan with teary eyes.)

Jeonghan : it's okay babe. You have no choice rather than working on your own. You can solve all this easily. You just gotta relax okay? ( he said hugging her lightly.)

Y/n : stay like this for a while. ( she wrapped her arms around Jeonghan's neck tightening the hug.)

Jeonghan : calm down. Everything's gonna be okay. ( he kept patting on Y/n's back knowing she wants to cry out.)

Y/n : fuck it.. Why are my tears coming out? ( she said whining like a baby.)

Jeonghan : It's okay you're allowed to let them fall. ( he made the hug tighter and patted her back as she cried harder in his embrace.)


??: what should we do about Y/n now?

??: Yuna Lee, have patience. You're working for me so you don't question me. Just obey my orders.

Yuna : since when did i start working for you, Kim Minwoo?( Yuna asked getting irritated.)

Minwoo: as soon as you stepped inside my office babygirl. ( he smirked as his gaze went from her face to her cleavage.)

Yuna : Sir eyes up her. ( she slightly pulled up his face with her pointer finger on his chin.)

Yuna : now what's your plan?

Minwoo : should we make out a little before getting there? ( he smirked.)

Yuna : how about later daddy? ( she got up from her chair and went straight infront of Minwoo.)

Minwoo : uhuh... I don't help people for me. ( his smirk grew wider.)

Yuna : are you forgetting i'm your brother's girlfriend? ( she said in a flirty tone.)

Minwoo : nor like you care. You want money and power anyways. ( his hungry gaze was piercing through Yuna's body.)

Yuna : so true. ( she smirked before getting down on her knees.)


Joshua : you motherfuckers don't even know how hard it is to live there alone and running back from America to Korea, Korea to America is even harder!!! Why did you even shift in Korea!??!! ( Joshua screamed his lungs out. Guess the alcohol is really taking over him.)

Jeonghan : should we throw him away? ( he looked at Seungcheol who was standing beside him and back at Joshua who was sitting on a bar table completely wasted.)

Seungcheol : we shouldn't. Grab this jerk. ( he pulled joshua with one arm and took him out of the bar as Jeonghan just followed him from behind.)

Jeonghan : so where are we going with this drunkard? ( he looked annoyed and he definitely was.)

Seungcheol : take him with you. We can't leave him alone at his house. ( seungcheol said before pushing Joshua inside the car.)

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