CHAPTER 28 : new turn

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Author pov

" you are defeated "

Minwoo's whole body felt shivers facing Jeonghan's evil smirk.

Minwoo : Don't get ahead of yourself, Jeonghan.

Seungcheol : you should take your own advice, brother. DON'T. GET. AHEAD. OF. YOURSELF.
( Seungcheol's tone turned into a threatening one.)

Minwoo : why shouldn't i? What you guys even do to me- ( a sharp voice pierced through his words.)

?? : make you serve in prison for attempting to murder. ( there she was. Lee Roseanne Y/n)

Minwoo : here you are, my love. ( he smiled shamelessly looking at Y/n from head to toe making Jeonghan's blood boil in anger.)

Y/n : shut the fuck up before i start to slap some sense into you. ( she said as she walked closer to them.)

Minwoo : look at this lil rabbit talking. Y/n, you look so cute when you're angry.

Jeonghan : Minwoo! ( Jeonghan called him out as a warning.)

Y/n : listen right here, you senseless animal. Look at yourself. What have you got apart from a few men that only listens to your money and your money? Huh that's not even yours. ( Y/n spat the bitter truth of Minwoo's face.)

Minwoo : seems like my darling knows a lot. ( he frowned)

Y/n : yes, i know a lot. Your every move, every deal, every illegal business.. I know a lot. Here comes the sad truth for you - you are nothing without your father's money and you're just a shadow. Once your father is gone, you're gone. You think you can get away after what you did to me, my brother and sister? Just wait till i make you suffer. I'll make you suffer so much that you'd have no other choice than killing yourself. ( she said every word that was echoing inside her head infront of Minwoo while he just stood there silently.)

Minwoo : know too much. ( Minwoo whispered the words before walking out of that place towards his car.)

Jeonghan : Y/n, do you know what did you just do? ( Jeonghan looked at Y/n in a concerned way.)

Y/n : what did i do? ( she asked confusedly.)

Seungcheol : you just gave Minwoo a hint that you know a lot about him. Now you're in danger. Congratulations dumbass. ( he said sarcastically.)

Y/n : he wouldn't harm me guys. He wants me to be with him na..also there's nothing he can do to me.


Minwoo pov

I walked inside the mansion and saw my father sitting in the living room along with my brother. The head maid signalled me that they were waiting for me. I absolutely hate this shit.

Minwoo : hello, father. ( let's normalize the situation.)

Mr. Kim : i never imagined my son would turn out to be such a beast. ( I'm your son father.)

Minwoo : father what do you mean? ( asked although i still know what he means.)

Mr. Kim : get the fuck out of Korea. Go aboard and do whatever you want there. ( he wants to send me away from Y/n again.)

Minwoo : I'm not going anywhere without taking Y/n. ( i knew i was getting under my father's skin.)

Brother : for fucks sake, KIM MINWOO! She's married and that too with Yoon Jeonghan-

Arranged // Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now