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"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love."

Chay's body felt extremely heavy. Even his eyelids were heavy, he couldn't seem to open his eyes. He felt sleepy, but he also felt he had been asleep for a long time. His throat is extremely dry. His tongue felt rough and had a bit of rusty taste in them.

He wanted to drift back to sleep, but he felt a squeeze on his hand. Chay tried to open his eyes. The light blinded him immediately. Everything he can see is white. It was so familiar. Like he had seen this kind of white environment before. Damn. Is he dead? He looked around. He is obviously in a hospital. He can see his saline drip hanging above his head. Chay blinked, his head quite spinning.

Suddenly, he heard a voice calling him, "Chay?" He knows that voice, it's his brother. Chay slowly turned his head and saw Porsche's relieved face. He can see tears brimming in his brother's eyes. Porsche sighed and a tear fell from his eye. "Thank goodness, you're awake," he said and kissed Chay's hand that he'd been squeezing.

"H-Hia..." Chay weakly whispered. There was almost no sound coming out of his mouth. His throat is quite rough from dryness.

"What is it, Chay? Is there anything that you want?" Porsche asked worriedly. Chay weakly pointed at his throat, hoping his brother would understand what he wanted. "Water?" Porsche said and Chay just nodded once to respond. Porsche immediately got him some water and helped him to sit up carefully. Chay chugged down a good amount of water, the cold liquid wetting his tongue and throat. He wiped his lips as he finished. Porsche caressed Chay's head, "How are you feeling, nong?"

Chay faintly smiled, "I feel tired. What happened, Hia?" he asked. His body is extremely weak. He thinks he will pass out anytime soon.

Porsche sighed, "You got shot, Chay. Twice. You were on the brink of death when they brought you here. I almost lost you, Chay. Twice. You scared the shit out of me." he said, his voice broke as he recalled what happened the past few days.

Chay almost died twice. Perhaps, that's why the blinding lights were so familiar to him. He almost meets Death. He almost went to the warm welcoming light. He hasn't thought of dying yet. He didn't even live fully yet. He can't leave his brother. His friends. And him.

"I'm sorry, Hia. Don't worry, I'll live." he joked, trying to lighten the mood. He lightly touched his bandaged arm where he was shot. It doesn't hurt anymore. He can't even remember if it was even painful. He remembered the blood oozing from him. Dark. Warm.

Porsche cleared his throat, getting Chay's attention. "I'll go and call a nurse," he said, then moved closer to Chay. "I don't know how long he's been here. He barely left. Barely eat. Barely sleep. He won't even change clothes until Big brings him one. He was just here watching you. I don't know what's the deal with him." Porsche whispered to his brother.

Confused, Chay looked up to Porsche, "Who?" he asked. Porsche motioned his head in one corner of the room, pointing at the person standing there. Chay held his breath the moment their eyes met. "Khun Kim..." he called softly.

Kim was just standing there, staring at Porchay with quite wide eyes. He looked rough like he hadn't been taking care of himself for days. "Khun Kim..." Porchay called again.

Porsche suspiciously gazes between Chay and Kim, figuring out what's between the two of them. Then, he just sighed, "I'll leave you two alone." he dismissed, bowed to Kim, and left the room.

They remained silent for a few minutes, staring at each other before Chay spoke again, "Don't just stand there, Khun Kim. Come closer."

Kim hesitated for a while before walking closer to Porchay. He stopped right beside Porchay's bed. Now that he is closer, Porchay can see the stubble on his face and dark eye bags underneath his eyes. "H-How are you feeling?" Kim asked in a raspy voice.

KIMCHAY TALES: BITTERSWEET EXCHANGEWhere stories live. Discover now