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'mum tell me the story of the 'NKARI', little Luna begged her mom while her younger sister Anny rolled her eyes

'why don't you listen to the story of 'PIRAR' Luna, i am sure my little Anny is tired of listening to the story of the ″NKARI″, her mom said looking at Anny for confirmation

'thanks mom i think i might puke if i was to listen to the story of the 'NKARI' again', her sister said

Luna stuck her tongue out to Anny and replied ′ its funny that you are tired of listening to that story because you always sleep immediately the story begins'

'yeah because the story is boring and i always find myself yawning so i just give in and fall asleep' Anny replied with a cocky smile

Luna sighed

'okay fine mom tell us the story of 'PIRAR', she said giving in to her sister's demand while her mom nodded and started the story

once upon a time there was this city called the forbidden city, it was also known as 'PIRAR'. 

it was rumored to have the purest of treasures and stones that blesses and curses but there is a little problem, it is also rumored to have claimed a lot of lives and no one not even the bravest nor the strongest journeyed in and came out alive

She stopped to check if her babies were listening but to her surprise little Anny has fallen asleep, she smiled and softly brushed her hair with her hand since she was sitting close to the young lad.

The young lad had no interest in listening to stories she was only interested in weapons, she smiled and continued to tell the story to her eldest daughter Luna who was listening.

At that time the 'Jamaicans' were battling with the 'Mexicans' and the 'Mexicans' were loosing terribly to the 'Jamaicans' so it was decided that three elders should be chosen from the 'Mexicans' and three special warriors should be chosen to accompany the three elders and they would journey to the forbidden city to retrieve a stone called the red stone and that stone was named to be the giver of 'MAGIA' to which we know as magic and fortunately for them the three elders and warriors were siblings

'Wow mom what happens next are they going to survive, i really cant wait to listen to what happens next', little Luna said squeaking while she practically jumped on the bed

'calm down little one i wont tell you what happens next if you keep jumping around', she threatened, hearing that, she sat down quietly listening to the story her mom was saying

So, on they went with nothing since the 'Jamaicans' destroyed the little they had, days passed with nothing to eat, the only thing to offer their hungry stomach was water that poured directly from the sky.

They happen to come across a witch who warned them about the forbidden city, 'The forbidden city is called forbidden for a reason' she said and left.

One of the warriors which happened to be the last to be born in their family told his siblings that he would rather die by the hands of the 'Jamaicans' than die at the hands of an unknown beast for people who probably don't know him and the others called him a fool and a coward for it, angered he left back for home hoping beyond hope that the others sees they are fighting a loosing battle and they would probably make the same decision he made.

The remaining five siblings went on but unfortunately a beast known to be extinct with six heads and legs that seems to grow from every part of its body leaped out from the shadows and attacked, they all summoned their courage and killed the beast but not without loosing their sister Anabel, the third warrior and also the third to be born , they now knew the danger they put their selves in, they heard it in stories but now its real they were in the forest of the forbidden.

They continued their journey realizing that it was too late to turn back, the second elder eventually took her life regretting that she had not gone home with the sixth warrior.

They journeyed for thirty days and thirty nights without food, days passed after the incident that happened and they miraculously made it to 'PIRAR' but not without injuries, 'PIRAR' happened to be a blessing in disguise, it was rich with milk and honey, it even has the purest of soils and animals it was a paradise on its own.

They celebrated their victory and mourned for their losses, they knew this was a once in a life time opportunity so they decided to stay, 'we cant go back, the Mexicans are not worth saving' the last surviving warrior said, so they stayed and took wives from neighboring countries, and they were each granted a gift.

The end

'mom what happened to 'PIRAR' ? is it a country now, Luna asked breaking her mom from her reverie

'I think it disappeared from the face of earth honey' , her mom said moving away from Anny's sleeping body to stroke Luna's deep chocolate locks

'how could a big city disappear from the face of the earth mom' Luna asked confused

'some said their greediness led to the disappearance of the city because it cant harbor anything dirty and some said that the shadows of the land devoured their souls'

'what are shadows' Luna asked while her mom rubbed her chin, feigning to be in thought

'shadows are creatures rumored to protect 'PIRAR' from intruders.

'people believed that the three elders arrived at the time when the shadows were starving, shadows are created to feed on souls and a little bit from the source of magic that flows in 'PIRAR'  but since it was extremely rare for people to travel to 'PIRAR', they began to starve and their strength began to dwindle, they would have dwindled in number but nothing absolutely nothing can kill the shadows, the only solution to killing the shadows has died long time ago with 'The Origins', they are known to hold the deepest of secrets, they keep all records and are very powerful, they are all dead now though

the shadows must have waited for the two males to marry and give birth before attacking, as they say babies has the sweetest of souls, she said murmuring the last part to herself 

'mom what about the priestess, didn't she get married' Luna asked a little bit confused at the sudden change of behavior of her mom

'no my love priestess are meant to be kept sacred' her mom said chuckling at her child's confused expression

'but mom...'

enough questions for today my princess its time to sleep' her mom said tucking her in , she smiled as she watched her little princesses sleep but that happiness was short lived when she sensed the shadow lurking in the dark.

'why are you here', and why did you come to meet me here especially in front of my sleeping children, what if they are not truly asleep, she said fuming are back still turned

'my deep apologies slayer but i bring you great news, one you would not like' he said smirking while kneeling to show his respect

'what ″great″ news do you bring slasher'

'the chief seeks your attention slayer' he said standing up and walking out of the room, he picked a fresh apple from the table and took a bite, he went to one of the nearest seater, he sat down and crossed his legs

she scoffed

'what so 'great' about the news slasher' she asked crossing her hands

'nothing' he replied

'you've got great kids there', he said motioning with his head towards the room

'yeah thanks, i know' she replied

'you know its been a long time since you visited the realms' he said taking another bite out of his apple

she sighed before replying

'you know i quitted a long time ago slasher' she replied 

'i know but it won't hurt to say hello sometime

he stood up and looked at her calling her the name he named her

'Anna remember to keep them safe, we cant risk them being found, you know what they would do to them if they are found' he said before retreating back to the shadows

Anna knew the slashers word always meant something but she could not stay awake any longer to crack the slashers code, as it is said that nature cannot be cheated'

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