Shadows 2

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I was woken up by the loud creak of the iron and my name being called repeatedly

'Luna wake up, its time' a familiar voice called

Who the hell wakes me up from my beauty sleep?

I was just about to give the person a piece of my mind when I recognized Noah's voice

'Time for what?' I sleepily asked

'For the king's judgment'

'Wait what?' I asked, shocked, all traces of sleep disappeared

'I thought it would actually take time before the king decided on what to do with me'

'Well reverse is the case, Emmitt came to get you but decided against it, he also told me to wake you up before he came back again' Noah replied with a concerned tone

'Who is Emmitt'? I asked, totally confused

'The scary guy who brought you here yesterday' he replied with a shrug

'Oh no, is the King going to hang me or what?' I asked, obviously afraid

'No, no calm down, I am sure of one thing the King can never hang you because of who you are

'Who am I and what importance am I to the King?' I asked beginning to suspect that Noah knows more than he claims

'It's not my story to tell Luna'

'Please Noah I just need answers please' I begged

'Luna I...'

He was about to reply when the guy Noah referred to as Emmitt came in interrupting us

'It's time child for the King to decide your faith'

'Is he going to hang me on a tree' I asked fully not trusting what Noah said

'No child, at least not yet' he replied unfazed that he just said that the King might kill me anytime at any day


I knelt down and sobbed

'Why kidnap me and then kill me' I cried

'Relax child the King would never kill you because he has everything to lose, including his kingdom if he does'

'What do you mean by that, who am I?' I asked again hoping they would give me the answer I deserve

'It's time child, let's not keep the King waiting and you smell for dried wee, so we need to clean you up before you meet the King'

Damn stupid smell, I muttered under my breath

I followed Emmitt outside the cell and I clung to him as usual as the prisoners started doing what they know how to do best, some whistling, some begging while some are saying words that are definitely not good for the ears

Everywhere is as dark as usual and Emmitt guided me through the way but this time we passed left instead of right, if I can't see anything here at least I know the difference between left and right

We reached another set of double doors I think but I am guessing that this is one is a little bit smaller than the King's own, since anything that deals with Kings are usually big, we passed through the double doors and what stood at the other side of the double doors left my mouth open

At the other side was the reflection of the sun so it was not as dark as the wacky places here, there was a small waterfall, the waters of the waterfall gathers at the middle of this place forming a small pool there are flowers and butterflies that make this place look like a small paradise on its own

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