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I woke up feeling an ache building up in my chest, I groaned softly trying to ease the pain I am feeling in my chest by shoving it deep down

'Morning Luna' Liam's annoying voice woke me up

'Fuck off Liam, go wake Bella up'

'You need to get up for your training'

I groaned and turned my back toward him, I only heard his chuckle before I felt the covers slip away from my body

'You would start with hand to hand combat before you can start any other training' I nodded while I sluggishly step out from the protection of my bed, my brain finally rebooted and that was when I realized that the T-shirt baggy I was wearing barely reached my thigh, Liam's gaze wondered towards my barely covered thighs and a mischievous smirk found its way towards his lip

'Get out of my room!' I yelled, it only made him smirk more and made me embarrassed more, I tugged on the T-shirt so it could offer a little cover to my thighs

'Get ready in 30, I would come and pick you up' Liam said stretching his back and reaching for the door

'Stupid, bastich son of a bitch!' I yelled, hoping he would hear me, I sighed, settled down and prepared to bath

Wait! There are no toilets or bathrooms in this place, then how do I get my bath

I put on a neat cloth while i prepared to ask my way out of this

I know, it does not makes any sense so don't judge me

'Are you done yet' a familiar head popped out of the door to ask

'Nope, where can I have my bath'

'Oh sorry forgot to tell you that you have to bath with the other women in the stream'

'What!, there is no way in hell I am bathing with the other women'

'Relax Luna, it is just a bath, trust me you would be fine'

That is easier said than done

An hour later

Bathing with the other women was not as bad as I thought, it was first creepy the women stared at me like I am a freaking clown someone put up for show, but once I glared back at all of them, took my bath and left, I found out that it was easier if you ignored their stares. I arrived at the training ground a little bit late, I had to face a frustrated Liam, a sad Dalton, and the glaring Bella

'I would teach you hand to hand combat, Dalton would teach you archery and Bella would teach you magic'

Is this a scheme or something?, Bella teach me magic?, they definitely want me dead

I looked around to see who I can call to help me, this three wants me dead

'Is there anybody else that can teach me magic, Bella obviously does not like me and I don't want to die before my time'

Dalton gave me a weak smile obviously still mourning, Bella gave me one of those devilish smile

I won't admit it but Bella is pretty with her flawless stature, her wavy white hair and her two beautiful deep blue eyes, but I don't like her she is pretty outside but ugly inside only the gods knows what Liam sees in her, Liam frowned

He obviously does not like me condemning his girlfriend

Liam's frown only deepened

Great he probably read my thought

I thought, glaring at him but his lips only curve up in a smirk before he replied

'Bella is the only one who uses magic in the mountain, so she is your only choice'

With no one to help me I nodded weakly

'With that settled let's begin'

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