Attacked by shadows

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It took me eternity to arrive at the tent while I eyed every juicy and mouthwatering fruit, what is stopping me from plucking one I don't know but I do remember what mom once told me when we went camping, I was so eager to try the fruity orange juice that won't stop eyeing me from its branch and as I was about to pluck one mom stopped me telling me that the more fruity and mouthwatering a fruit looks from its branch, the more it's more likely to be poisonous same goes for animals and maybe that is what is stopping me from plucking one

After eternity I found my way back to the tent but what greeted me was not welcoming at all, it was disastrous, destroyed up tents and dead bodies lithered the ground, a beaten Prince, the only thing that made me realize he is unconscious is the steady rising and falling of his chest, he laid unconscious on the ground around other bodies and Noah, Noah is nowhere to be found

I scanned the dead bodies hoping that Noah is not part of them but thank the gods he is not, even if that means I still don't know if his dead, half dead or alive

What happened were we attacked, but by who?

This is a perfect time to escape but where would I go

My gaze wandered to the unconscious Prince, I do hate is personality but not him, but I can't help him, what of if I help him and find it hard to escape, I still have to find out who murdered Ethan, if my friends are alive or dead

I turned my back to leave but the Prince found the perfect time to groan in pains, I bit hard on my lips and clenched my hands, I turned back and found myself crouching beside him

'Yup I hate you, I fucking hate you and even if you are unconscious you still find a way to torture me' I said angrily

I sighed after my rant, taking pity on him when I saw his battered body, he has a gash across his chest which seemed to be oozing blood and on his cheek is another scar probably from a sword or a knife, his eyes is bruised and black, I checked his body to see if there are any injuries but it was much more worse on his chest and his exposed hands it was as if someone beat him, tortured him before leaving him to die, they probably thought he could not survive in this fucking place and that sooner or later an hungry animal is gonna find him and eat his remains but that person is wrong so fucking wrong

I tore a piece of my cloth and took water from my flask the one I always have with me in case of water emergency especially when there is nowhere to go and look for water on the Racunie

I slowly washed away the blood careful not to make his injuries worse and with him wincing in pains I am really scared am going to make it worse, with half the courage I had when I started cleaning his wound I carefully tied my torn cloth around the big gash on his chest, thankfully I knew about this leaf that makes healing faster and I am sure I spotted one when I was on my way back to the cave, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and I was relieved when I found one, I plucked the ones I knew would be enough and hurried back to the still unconscious Prince, squeezing the juice on all of his opened wounds now I do hope he heals fast because this forest is scaring the shit out of me, I gathered what used to be our tents and made a shelter out of it, at least it was something, I gathered lots of leaves as a makeshift bed and with much difficulty dragged the Prince to my makeshift bed, I could barely recognize him, the most annoying thing is that he still looked handsome even in his condition, I stared at him tracing my hands on his wounds, his lips are bruised to but they were still perfectly pink, I bit my lips as I blushed

What the heck am I doing? I retracted my hands before I find myself doing something stupid I stood up immediately to go and search for Noah

I started calling Noah's name, scared that some bad guys might be hiding behind those tall grasses, with my heart in my mouth I called for Noah

'Noah where the heck are you this is not getting funny anymore' I said trying to sound less scared when in fact I am sure my voice is croaky, I searched for Noah a little bit longer before I went back to where the Prince is, he was still resting peacefully but the foul smell coming from the dead bodies made me pinched my nose in an horrible attempt to get rid of the smell but no it seems that the smell invaded every one of my organs making me gag and that made me realize that most of the dead bodies they were decapitated, most of the dead bodies had their head strewn away from their body making me vomit and with the vomit goes my precious food, it actually brought back painful memories of Ethan and I was lost in my thought until someone touched my shoulder making me scream, I quickly shut my mouth shut because of the foul smell, I was scared to death to turn around but I did it anyway and to my relief it was Noah

'Noah!' I exclaimed as I hugged him, his body tensed up a bit before he hugged me back, he kissed my forehead giving me shivers

'Are you okay?' he asked checking my body for any sign of bruises and sighed when he found none

'What happened?' I asked

'We were attacked'

'By who?'

'The shadow King' he said rubbing his thumb on his eyebrows

'Why would he do that? He sends us on a bizarre mission and then attacks us, who does that' I asked practically screaming now, Noah's hand came around my waist pulling me to himself

'It's going to be okay, I am here to protect you' he said in a whisper before breaking the hug but one question lingered in my mind

'Where were you?' I asked Noah and that was when I noticed his appearance he looked disheveled but no bruise or a scar, he averted his gaze

'Noah' I called this time slightly raising my voice ignoring the crazy smell that I so badly want to get away from

'After I left you, I came back to the cave and found him badly beaten, I knew they were going to kill him but I can't fight off the shadows and protect him at the same time, so I diverted their attention and made them chase me into the forest before I finally killed them' he explained and I nodded

'I would take care of the dead bodies, in the meantime can you help me look for woods for warmth when it gets cold but don't stray away too far' I nodded and left him with The Prince and the dead bodies

I walked aimlessly and that was when I spotted a stream, gleaming and sparkling under the sun, smiled having a crazy idea in my head

'Let's go for a swim shall we and if possible have a bath' I said to myself before chuckling crazily, I checked around me to make sure nobody was around before stripping, I stripped off my dirty, torn clothes before settling in the cold water, it felt like the cold water seeped into my bones and I groaned and relaxed and after some time I washed my dirty hair and body, after cleaning up I decided to play and that was when the real fun began, I played in the water till I felt satisfied, it was getting late and I knew Noah would come looking for me so I hurried up, now that I am clean I felt reluctant putting on my old dirty clothes but there was nothing I could do, on my way home I was lucky to find some dried woods, so I picked them up and headed to the tent

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