You are the key

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Arriving at the tent carrying woods appeared to be strenuous than I thought, I dumped the heavy woods on the floor and made my way to the shelter, the floor is surprisingly clean, it is obvious that Noah did a perfect job cleaning up this place even though the remnant of the foul smell still lingered in the air, I went over to our stuff and picked up a new cloth ready to discard my old one, after changing I went to the Prince place to check how he was doing and to my surprise he is healing quite well, Noah is obviously somewhere around this woods still disposing bodies, I sat by the Prince checking his chest when he coughed and winced in pain

'Are you okay' I asked a little bit concerned

'Yeah I am, thanks by the way for taking care of me' and for once it felt like his cold demeanor changed into a soft one with a cute charming smile

'How did you know I was the one that treated you' I asked while he smirked

'I was unconscious not dead' he said with a shrug, I nodded, yeah he is back to his cold old self

'Ouch this hurts, it feels like there are thousands of sharp needles pricking my skin' he said whining like a kid which made me laugh

'What's so funny?'

'Hmm, nothing, absolutely nothing' I said clearing my throat

'Where is Noah' he asked craning his head to check if he was at my back

'He is still dealing with the dead bodies' I said and his mood changed, I didn't want to pry so I didn't ask

'Can you get me outside? I really want to leave this sorry excuse for a bed, I chuckled and nodded, and with much difficulty I was finally able to lift him up from a sorry excuse for a bed (as he calls it), he grinned when we finally reached outside and sigh as his eyes greedily devoured the sunlight and his nose greedily inhaling the pure breeze, we sat on the floor and took in the sight before us, a comfortable silence between us before he broke it

'I can't believe father wanted me dead' he said with his eyes close and with a sigh he opened them

He turned to look at me, and I being me averted the gaze until he spoke up again making me look at him

'You don't really remember do you?'

'Remember what' I asked getting confused at the sudden change of his behavior

'I can't believe she did that to you' he said not looking at me

'Excuse me prince, who did what to me?' he chuckled lightly and that was when I remembered that I call him 'The Prince' in my mind

'It's Liam'

'Okay Liam, so what happened I am lost here'

He sighed before replying still looking at me

'We used to be friends Luna, when we were young. Since when we were toddlers, he said

'That can't be true Noah said mom left the kingdom when I was just 2'

He raised his eyebrows at me mockingly, 'you believe whatever that guy says' he scoffed

'Don't come crying when you figure out the truth'

'But...' I wanted to say but was interrupted by Liam

'Your mom left when you were 4 and I was just 8, I would always figure out a way to frustrate you after taking your stuff and you would run after me crying until I gave you back' he said but continued before I could interrupt

'Now I know she wiped your memories, how come you don't remember me, Emmett or John, how come this world looks strange to you' he said

'Wait I know you, Emmett but who is john?' I asked but he gave me a loud hearty laughter

'John is your brother, sadly he was killed during my father's ascension to the throne'

'What!!! I have a brother and no one bothered to tell me' he closed his eyes again and a sad smile appeared on his lips

'Correction Luna, you "had" a brother, one who was willing to sacrifice Earth itself to make you safe' he said with his eyes still closed

No, no, no this is too much to handle, firstly a lost mother and sister, an unknown father and a dead brother, maybe dead friends, burnt down villages

'So let me guess your father killed my grandpa for power and he got scared that my brother would ascend to the throne after grandpa's demise so he killed him to' Liam seemed to be in pain when I said those words so he averted his gaze and sighed again

I didn't realize when the tears came rushing down until Liam pointed it out

'Don't cry Luna, I would advise you to save your tears because father is not the bigger threat, the bigger threat is out there'

Great, what a great way to console someone, I can't believe this douche bag "was" my friend

'You killed my grandpa, my brother, and sent my mother running and what you have got to say is a bigger threat is out there, do you even have a heart?' I said angrily

Another sigh and I was getting tired of the sighs I was about to say something rude when he replied

'I was not the one that did all this things Luna so it's my father not me and I am sorry, there was nothing I could do'

'But yet you still lived with that MONSTER' I said exploding

'What did you expect me to do, run after your mom and beg her to let me stay with her or leave the castle and live with the wolves so they could tear me into shreds' he replied with an equal rage with his teeth clenched and when he saw my terrified expression he calmed down with a soft face

'I am sorry I couldn't stop him because he was always finding a way to get rid of me but for fear of the shadows he could not do anything' I nodded

'So who or what is this bigger threat you talk of', I said deciding to drop the topic because I don't want unwanted attention and our voices would echo throughout the forest so it's better to remain calm

'I am sure you have heard of the story Pirar' he asked and I nodded

'That is the city that keeps the universe safe from the darkness that encompass outer space. So when the three elders journeyed to 'Pirar', it revealed to them what was, what is and what would be and they swore to protect 'Pirar' and it's magic so it blessed them with gifts, making them protectors of 'Pirar', he said explaining

Confused I decided to ask

'But I thought shadows are the protectors of 'Pirar', he smirked and replied

'Shadows are the keepers of 'Pirar' not protectors, there is a difference' he said air quoting it with his finger before standing up

'So what is the threat' I asked

'His name is unknown and his face is unknown and what makes him more terrifying is that nobody knows this guy and trust me he is powerful, he is an hybrid of the origins and a shadow two forbidden genes that shouldn't be and he wants to destroy 'Pirar' and let outer darkness reign and you are the key and he knows it, why did you think I gave you that letter so you could know you have no friends and be safe because they have seen and they have heard' Liam said quoting the exact same thing in the letter

'Key, how can I be the key, the key to destroying 'Pirar',

'You are the key to destroying 'Pirar' and the key to making it strong, you are an hybrid of shadows and origins, his equal but you are more stronger because you are pure in heart, you are light and he is darkness, that is what makes you stronger' he said turning to leave

'That is enough for today, I am starving' he said yawning and we left where we were seating for the shelter

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