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We walked out of our cell to a lively and life filled place, children were running around playfully as if they have no care in the world only stopping once to stare curiously at us, it was beautiful but something around this place spelt mysterious. The adults were busy doing one thing or the other not stopping once to glance our way.

'Liam' a voice called and the owner of that voice turned out to be a lady around my age but lovingly beautiful. I eyed her curiously as she wrapped her hands around his neck and placed a kiss on his lips, Liam wrinkled his face in a disgusted manner but he covered it with a fake smile

'Bella' he said with a fake smile, I stared at the two confused, angry and jealous. Jealously is this foreign feeling I am not used to, where I come from we are all happy for each other, nobody is jealous of anybody so I tried to push out the thought of jealously, I didn't like the feeling so I promised myself to stay away from Liam as much as possible and besides they are a perfect match. The woman who brought us out of the cell smiled at me

'Oh, don't mind those two, they have an history together' I nodded but couldn't hide my distaste. A familiar blond head appeared behind Bella

'Stone?' I gasped

'You know him?' Liam asked staring between the two of us

'Yup, he is my kidnapper' I said glaring at him, he scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly

'Yeah, sorry about that'

The woman who brought us out of the cell chipped in who I would love to refer to as Mrs elegant

'Oh sorry he went on a mission to spy on the Red devils, while spying on them he met you and that was when you came into the picture'

'You still send amateurs to spy on them', Liam scoffed while Stone looked calm and collected, his calmness only infuriated Liam more

'You need to recruit more people Vivian' he said walking away with Bella

Those two definitely had an horrible past and Vivian I love that name, at least it is better than Bella, I thought with a snicker

'Shall we' Stone asked breaking the chains to my thoughts


'Ladies first' he gestured with his hands, telling me to move

I, Vivian and Stone left our standing spot while trailing behind Liam and Bella


Minutes passed by and we were standing in front of a small house built out of smooth rocks and stones. They were already seated before we arrived at the rocky house. Bella sat down beside Liam [or maybe it was Liam that sat down beside her] I thought feeling disgusted by the thought, I sat down beside Stone and Vivian sat down beside me

'So how much does she knows about' Vivian asked

'I only told her about Pirar and the destroyer' Liam explained

'Who the hell is the destroyer' I asked, Bella scoffed

'She knows little, so much for a savior' I could feel the sarcasm dripping in her words, even though I wanted to tear her bits by bits and make her take back her words (more like make her eat back her words), I only glared

'I don't mind to trade places with you, since you know so much and I know so little' obviously not expecting my comeback she curled her hands around Liam's neck while burying her neck in the crook of his shoulder, I promised myself to stay away from him so I blatantly ignored them, instead I focused more on Vivian and Stone (Who I still don't know his real name)

Vivian finally broke the tension by sighing

'Well, why don't we start from the beginning'

At the beginning there lived the Truth seekers, the Light Finders and the Gunslingers. The Gunslingers where the guards ensuring that those who could not protect themselves would be protected by protecting this peaceful world, the Truth seekers ruled a part of this world and the Light Finders ruled another part of this world, each having a particular role in the world. They lived in perfect harmony for centuries until one unfaithful day a rebellion began, the Gunslingers wanted to have their own place in this world they don't want to be ordinary guards they wanted to be something more while the Light Finders wanted to extend their lands and origins into the Truth Seekers place, it began with a small quarrel which quickly escalated into a war, hatred filled their hearts and the Truth Seekers were quickly consumed by the lies in their heart while the Light Finders were consumed by the dark, consumed by this hatred they unknowingly opened a portal to their world, a portal from outer space to theirs, exposing their world to outer darkness, the darkness soon spread, feeding on their greed and hatred consuming them in a bloodlust, the war raged on for decades and bloods of innocent people were recklessly spilled.

A woman named Metuzel an hybrid of the truth and light, the first hybrid to walk the earth lost someone dear to her during this war, she was made a warrior due to her strength but when the war started people detested her not knowing which side she is on, she was popular for her bow and arrow and if she shoot it, it would hit its target, In her moment of pure vulnerability a light appeared shining down on her, it was soo immense that it was blinding, suddenly she felt the strength of thousands ad power coursed through her body, her bow and arrow changed into a weapon of power and destruction, immediately the power came she tried waking up her lost love but it was all to no avail, seeing that it was pointless she left him there to commit suicide, suddenly she remembered her dead mother's words 'You fight or you die trying', she didn't know the meaning of those words then but she now understood, she decided that creating a tower that would absorb the whole darkness and that would keep the world safe from any darkness both internally and externally would help the people come to their senses, on that spot she created the tower and it stood beautiful and magnificent, the fighters stopped fighting and the tower absorbed it all, it absorbed the darkness that filled their hearts. In their moment of confusion they saw what they had done and realized their mistake but it was too late they had destroyed a lot and killed innocent people, Metuzel now seething with rage after remembering her lost lover, cursed the Light Finders into what we now know has Shadows and the Truth Seekers into humans, she cursed them with the greed in their heart bringing out the beast in them out and taming the outer one inside their body so since the Light Seekers were consumed by darkness she turned them into a beast of the dark and intertwined their soul to the tower meaning if anything happens to the tower something terrible would happen to their soul which to their horror might result into death so they are forced to guard it. She took pity on the Truth Seekers because they were only trying to defend their lands, so she cursed them into humans wiping their memories and making them live in an entirely new world different from the one they lived in the past. After restoring the world into balance she loosed her life, meaning that with great achievements comes great sacrifice, wielding a power that dangerous it fed on her soul and ended her life '

'Something threatens the balance of the world Luna, only you can stop it but you would have to sacrifice your soul willingly to make it work out'

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