Bermuda Mountain

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Waking up was a little bit disturbing, my head throbbed and ached, Liam still laid unconscious. I drank in our current situation, a little light illuminated the prison, it was tied to a stick beside a weird looking chair. Liam was chained to two pillars of solid rock, his legs were also chained but by unknown forces, while I was just tied to a third pillar behind me, they must have underestimated me seeing that I am a girl they must have thought that I am not a threat, I sighed, one peaceful day turned out crazy, I was so lost in thought that I did not realize that Liam was staring at me

'A penny for your thought' a voice coming directly from my front said and it sacred the shit out of me, I yelped moving impossibly closer to the pillar behind me, Liam was grinning at me like he just won a lottery

'You were unconscious' I pointed out

'I pretended to be' he said, awkwardly shrugging his shoulders as the chain made a clanging sound, after a brief moment of silence I decided to speak

'What do we do?'

'We wait'

'We wait for what' I asked not understanding his grand escape plan

He ignored me and stared at the chain locked around his wrist

'Why did go through the stress of chaining me when they could have just tied me, I guess they are pretty scared of the shadows, my plan worked though' he muttered to himself, the speech he just gave to himself was not meant for my hearing but I heard it anyway

'What plan are you speaking of?' I asked

''Making them capture us was the plan, what? Did you think I would risk my pretty face to the merciless beast in the mountains' he said a devilish grin on his face, I was shocked and I so wanted to punch his face. He obviously read my mind and his grin widen

'Too bad you can't do that now' he said gesturing to the rope around my body

The wall suddenly shook making an ear piercing screeching sound as it slid open to a beautiful woman dressed elegantly with her head raised

'Here comes the Queen' Liam said mockingly bowing his head, the woman snorted in an unladylike manner

'At least I am not the one dangling in-between two pillars' she said while Liam rolled his eyes

'What brings the Prince to my abode' the woman asked with her eye brows raised

They obviously know each other

Liam gave her a lopsided grin before replying

'We were just passing by and your people "kidnapped us", he said still grinning

'I won't call that kidnapping because you were trespassing and I know you well enough to know that you were trespassing on purpose, I know you have a scheme up your sleeves, so if I were you I would start talking' she said before turning to me

'Who have we got here' she asked taking in my appearance

'Don't tell me he brainwashed you with his princely talk's to leave your home and family to come with him, I guess the love must be great' she said waving her perfectly manicured hands around

'Excuse you, he did not brainwash me with any princely talk, if you must know I was kidnapped and forced to come before i was woven and cocooned in a world that is not mine' she was amused by my outburst, she looked at me with a new found interest

'She is a feisty one, isn't she? You two would make a great couple' she said smirking at me while turning to Liam

'No we are...' I didn't get to finish my words before she interrupted me

'I guess you brought her here to learn what she must then' she said folding her hands behind her back, stealing a glance at me

'Do you think she is ready' she asked Liam who looked really bored

'Nope but we must do all we can to help' he said with a frown on his face, what caused that frown I don't know but what I do know is that I don't like the way they are talking about me as if I am not there

'Hello, I hope you guys know I am here' I said, they stopped to look at me but continued, ignoring me

'Does she know' she asked

'No, I only told her what was necessary' he said staring at me, I decided to give up on telling them that I am here

'Very well then, we would start from the beginning'  

'Welcome to the Bermuda Mountain'

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