The Beautiful Wolf

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I was blinded by the sudden brightness coming inside the cave, I raised my head to see Noah packing our things and the Prince is nowhere to be found

'Awake already, sleeping beauty' Noah teased while I rolled my eyes

'Don't call me that' I said my voice rough and thick due to the fact that I just woke up

Noah stifled a laugh but due to the fact that I tried standing up but ended up falling face down to the hard cold floor, Noah ended up laughing, the sound of his beautiful melodic laughter echoing throughout the cave, he stopped laughing when he received a glare from me

'Hey try leaning on this till you get your balance, are you okay because I am sure that hurt' Noah concerned voice asked

'Yeah it's not every day you get kidnapped, going to the most dangerous place on earth only to end up in a cave' I said sarcastically but regretted it immediately when I saw Noah's sad face

'I am sorry Luna none of this is supposed to happen'

'It's not your fault Noah, it just happened and voila I am here' I said gesturing crazily like a mad woman trying to cheer him up

'You don't know a lot Luna and I hope you don't hate me when you do' Noah said putting on his cloak that concealed almost half of his face

What does Noah knows that he is not telling me

'Ready love birds' the Prince appeared from nowhere scaring the shit out of me

I turned to glare at him expecting Noah to scold him for calling us love birds but he just shrugged it off making me angry

'Don't call us that, if you don't know Noah is like two hundred and eighty two years older than me' I said angrily not knowing the gravity of my words

The Prince just stood there smirking like an idiot who won a lottery while a look of hurt flashed on Noah's face making me regret what I said, he quickly masked it with a cold face and trust me I have never seen Noah this cold before and even the Prince can't outmatch him in a cold look competition

'We would leave tomorrow when the Racunies have had their rest' he said coldly before leaving, even the Prince could not utter a word and just nodded

I didn't mean what I said I just wanted the charming looking Prince to shut up, I need to talk to him before I escape from this place, yeah that sounded like a good idea but for now I would go and look for him and maybe look for something to eat before this hunger kill me

I did not want to ask for food from this fool but I have got no choice

'I am starving, you said you found some food that could last for some days, where are they?' I asked looking through our stuff for the food

He scoffed

'Go look for food elsewhere' he said walking outside like the arrogant bitch he is, I am not fazed that his beauty can rival with the gods, I just hate him not 'him' but his bitchy attitude

I left the cave, grumbling, looking for anything edible when I stumbled upon a tree, the fruits on the tree looked so beautiful and yummy, I was about to pluck some fruits from the tree when I heard the rustling of leaves, I immediately stopped and tiptoed to the back of the tree I wanted to pluck the fruits from and waited for whatever is hiding in those tall bush to come out but what I saw was crazy but beautiful

Out of the bush came a tall beautiful wolf about the size of a big bear but I am sure that it's a wolf since we are in their territory, it's as white as snow and I am sure the fur is as fluffy as it looks, each paw is as big as the size of my head but it looked injured and in pain the beautiful white fur has turned to red due to the blood dripping from its injured spot to its fur and the poor thing is wincing and growling in pain "I think"

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