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It was silent too silent but it was peaceful and I sighed a contended sigh, after me and Noah came back to the cave I ate some berries and I was allowed to rest and well, Noah is being the scary cold Noah he is, I still can't forget that cold glare that sent shivers down my spine, his gaze alone could murder the strongest of souls. The berries I was given to eat was not enough to quench the fire of my hunger but it was enough to tame it and I was happy, happy I had something to eat, I do remember the children who had nothing to eat or a roof to sleep under at my village, they would beg for food and the rich villagers would look down at them with disgust like they were not human and if they helped them they only did it for the respect and fame of the villagers, they would show it to the world so they could earn their place in the society, those poor children had no warmth in those days the rain would pour down and they had no food when the hunger was unbearable, looking back at those days I wish I could help not for the respect of the society but to see the beautiful smiles on their faces but I don't even have enough to feed myself, not to talk about hungry children

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the Racunies came to a stop, I wanted to ask why we stopped but looking ahead I could not stop the gasp that escaped my mouth, in front of us is a pack of wolves, they were bearing their sharp teeth's at us, Noah's hand wrapped around my waist protectively, I could feel his warm breath fanning against my skin as he leant forward and I could feel the hairs of my skin standing up

The Prince came down from his Racunie and I can swear that he was smirking

Is he mad, we are surrounded by wolves and all this handsome, crazy guy could do is to smirk, is he nuts?

He walked majestically to where the wolves are standing with a grin plastered on his face

'Has venido a saludarnos en paz?' (Translation: Have you come to greet us in peace) He lazily asked

Show off, I muttered underneath my breath

He looked bored and it is obvious that he is looking for something more fun to do

They all howled and a smile appeared on his lips

'Muy bien entonces' (Translation: Very well then) He replied removing a black and golden sword from nowhere, looks like they want a fight but before he could do anything another howl sounded and all the wolves parted

In the middle of the wolves is a different bigger looking wolf, its fur is red and it's as big as a baby dragon, it is very big that I shivered on where I was sitting on the Racunie and by its side is the white beautiful wolf that I helped, I was shocked to the core and all I could do was cling to Noah's chest tightly

Another howl and they all left, I blinked and they were gone and I was finally able to breath, the white wolf trotted pass the Prince and walk towards me and nuzzled it's nose on my leg, I giggled and Noah's grip tightened around my waist

'Thank you' I whispered, it nodded and trotted back towards the red big wolf before they left

'Vibe killer' the Prince said out loud, obviously talking to me before he went to his Racunie

We continued our journey and I am well aware of Noah's firm grip around my waist one hand holding the reigns of the Racunie and the other grabbing my waist firmly

We arrived at another destination and instead of looking for a cave we set our tent, one for me, one for the Prince and one for Noah

'We need to talk' Noah coldly said before dragging me off to who knows where

We went deeper into the bush before he stopped to face me

'Care to explain what happened at the wolfs territory' he said

'I saw a white wolf bleeding and I helped it'

'Are you nuts, it could have attacked you' he said

'Why do you care?' I said as he stepped forward and I stepped back, with every step he took, I took two until he backed me towards a tree, his two hands were placed beside me trapping me in between him and the tree, he looked at me like he was searching for something and I stubbornly stared back until he broke the stare BUT he smirked, HE FUCKING SMIRKED, not good, not good

'I don't care but obviously you do' he said winking at me before he turned around to leave

Yeah that's the Noah I know

'I am sorry for what I said this morning, I don't mean it' I apologized

He nodded but I was not going to have it that way

'Are you not going to say something, anything?'

'Do you want me to say something, anything' he said mimicking me

'Ok, I like it when you pack your hair in a bun, it makes you look pretty' he said and I am sure my cheeks are burning, they are literary on fire but I tried to mask it with a cold glare which I successfully did, he stared at me before sighing

'Fine, I forgive you' he said and I nodded

'Hmm, so are we good' I asked

'Yup, we are'

'Can I ask you a question that has been bugging my mind' I asked

'Yeah, feel free' he said demonstrating with his hands dramatically

'Why is it always dark in the shadow land and why do you guys put on a cloak?' he was silent for a while which looked like eternity before he replied

'Shadows are like vampires but much more stronger and powerful, they can't stay underneath the sun and that's why we need a magical cloak to shield us away from the sun, we are faster, stronger, agile and very strong, it would take a whole pack of wolves to take just one of us down and that is why we are feared round the southern, northern and western realm'

'What about the eastern realm, don't they fear you', he looked at me as if I am the dumbest human on earth before he masked it with a lopsided grin

'They don't know wolves, vampires, shadows and other mystical creature exists, they are humans, they think we are myths and you can't fear something you don't know'

'That makes sense' I said while he nodded

'You coming' he asked when he saw that I stayed rooted to the spot

'Yeah am coming but can you leave me alone for a sec, I am right behind you' he nodded and left

I sat on a fallen tree connecting the dots

Firstly a strange man hands me a letter and now I am trapped in the southern realm, I don't even know if I would be able to go home to my friends that is if they are alive but anyway I am gonna try and find a way out of this place

Yes! The letter it said some complicated stuff about me, I thought as I tried to remember bits and pieces from the letter

It said something about not trusting anybody and betrayal, it also said something about people hunting me, could it be the shadows? No I don't think so, who was the person that brought the letter, what if this unknown person is the one hunting me, can I even trust the words of the person who sent the letter, what if this person is the one that killed Ethan and destroyed my home, I am really getting confused and so far I have only ended up with more questions than answers

I left the forest and headed to our tent hoping I don't get lost but lastly I found the tent but what I found out next is not welcoming at all

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