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Liam made me train till I was physically and mentally stressed, I could not feel my toes anymore, I lay down on the bed feeling tired, I sniffed my armpits and it smells like shit

'Yup, I need to take a bath'

I forced myself to stand up to at least go take a shower because I knew I reeked of sweat, I am sure Liam ended the combat session because I either reeked of sweat or he could not wait to get back to Bella, when he started he did not look like someone that wanted to stop and Bella had the guts to tell me to go take a shower because I smelled like a wet dog, could you believe it, well i gave her the shock of her life when i told her that i could smell her bad breath from miles away, shocked by my comeback she was looking like a wet donkey

I took a shower and it eased my stiff muscles and sore neck, I decided to sleep but sleep wouldn't come so I decided to take a stroll, it was difficult walking due to my stiff muscles but I managed to take a walk

I sighed in relief as the breeze blew on my wet hair and wet body, I hummed a particular song mom taught me when I was young and just kept on walking, I turned to a dark corner but I regretted it immediately, it was Liam and Bella and they were busy eating each other faces off

I gasped

They broke apart, Bella was shamelessly dusting an imaginary dust off her skirt and Liam was running his hand through his hair, I felt hurt, broken and well I couldn't describe the rest but I masked it with an expressionless emotion and I cleared my head because he was staring and I knew he was trying to read my mind

'What are you doing outside all alone' Liam finally broke his stare probably coming up blank

'I can say the same for you , it's just that in this case you are not alone' I said keeping my expression neutral, i couldn't afford to show that i was hurt, Bella glared at me probably not liking the interruption

'That's none of your business'

I scoffed at his reply

'Then it is none of your business either' I said turning around to leave the two shameless couples, I spotted the rock I sat on the other day me and Dalton were discussing and hurriedly went to sit there

I sat on the rock and let the tears fall freely, I feel pathetic, useless and stupid, crying over a guy that obviously does not care about me. Finding out that Liam and Bella were dating hurt but not like this, I promised to stay away from him but it only made it hurt more.

'I am stupid, stupid soo stupid' i muttered to myself, trying but failing to wipe the tears that wont stop falling

I felt a presence sit beside me and i quickly hid my face

'I swear Liam if that's you, there is no telling what I am gonna do' I threatened

'Woah, it's Dalton' Dalton said with his hands raised

I only nodded, too scared to speak, i am so happy right now that we are in the night, so Dalton cant see my teary face

'Want to talk about it?' he asked

I nodded, oddly feeling calm at his soft voice

'Liam' I managed to say

'And Bella' he added

'You like him?'

Again i only nodded, he sighed

'Why Liam?' he asked after an awkward silence

'Why Liam?' I repeated his question

'I don't understand' I turned to face him confused

'Why choose Liam' he asked again

'I don't know, why do you ask' I asked looking at his lovely eyes, I felt lost staring at him, he used his hand to tuck away the stray strands of my hair away. He bit his lips softly

'Liam is a little bit complicated and I don't want you to get hurt' he said squeezing my shoulder

'Yeah, I know' I sighed, stretching my hands and softly rubbing my neck

'Thank you' i said feeling better

'For what?' he asked staring at me with a teasing smile on his lips

'For nothing' i giggled, his grin widen a little

'For what' he repeated with a knowing smile, i knew he wanted me to say thank you for the advice so i said exactly what he wanted to hear so he can leave and i would be alone for a while before i go to lay my head

'Thank you for everything' with that he looked contented and he smiled

'You are welcome' he winked, i waited a little and when it was obvious he is not planning to leave anytime soon i stood up to leave

'Sleeping so soon' he asked and i nodded, well it was not like i was completely lying, it was half lie, half truth, i was already leaving but i surprised myself when i turned back to go and hug him

i hugged him

'Thank you and i really mean it this time' i whispered still hugging him, his body tensed a little before he returned the hug, I giggled a little

'What?' he asked

I raised my head up to look at a flushed Dalton, now that I can see Dalton closely, his hair is messy and dripping with water, the moon casted a glow towards his direction and he looked so cute, his soft blue eyes trailed from my eyes to my lips

This is getting awkward

'Nothing' I said removing my hands from his neck, I stood up to leave

'See you tomorrow' I waved my hands while he nodded

'Don't let Liam hunt you in your dreams' he said with a wink, I blushed and hurriedly left for my hut

'That was awkward' I said to no one in particular

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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