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i woke up feeling satisfied and for once my life felt perfect, no nightmares, no questions that kept me awake in the middle of the night, it was peaceful it looked like my prayers were answered.

i left my room for my small parlor and was surprised that my friends already left for their home and the thought that i am home alone made me really happy, the time was just 6pm and that means my birthday is still on

i am gonna live today like the world does not exist, i thought

so i found something to eat, after looking for something to eat, i bathed then found something to wear, i put on my baggy trouser and a baggy top with a face cap to complete my bad ass outfit

i headed outside as the cool evening breeze hit me, making my hair fly in different directions caressing me softly, the soft gentle breeze turned the grass into beautiful green ocean and the trees into beautiful dancers, it was peaceful

i headed to one of my hiding place, this place is the village forest, it surrounds our little village and our people knows their way around the forest, it is forbidden to go to the forest after 5.00pm in the afternoon no one is allowed to come near the forest because of snakes and other wild animals that make it their habit to roam around the forest after that specific time but me being the stubborn ass that i am, not only made that place my favorite spot but also made going there after 5pm my favorite time because of the warm air and the fragrance of peace that surrounds that place at that time

i normally sneak in through the gates that protects the forest and through the local guards that are meant to keep everyone out because I know that if i was ever caught then oh boy i would be in big trouble.

i snuck in and found myself going to my favorite spot, i sat on a fallen branch of tree and stared as the sun set but something was not right, i could feel it and i could smell it, the hairs at the back of my neck stood up and i felt like i was being watched, it gave me an unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach and at the same time i felt at peace with whatever was staring at me from the dark

i gradually turned back, not wanting to be too obvious that i knew i was being watched and i was met with nothing, unless the trees grew eyes or the guards found out someone snuck in and was watching from afar, apart from that nothing was there and i was disappointed even though i could not fully understand why i was disappointed

it was creepy being watched without your permission, so i went back home being watchful of my environment and apart from that i felt nothing so i shrugged it off and disposed the idea of being watched

i decided to reread the letter that was given to me and solve the puzzles, so in i went, found my trash bin and started digging through dirt for the paper but there was one problem i couldn't find it, that was strange i remembered throwing it right into the bin when i was angry or lets say sad and that could only mean one thing, someone snuck in while i was sleeping or out chilling, immediately my mind went back to the unknown thing staring at me could it be....., no it couldn't, the door was locked when i left and it was still locked when i came back

i finally came to a conclusion that someone either stole my keys or teleported in, and i am very sure that teleportation magic only happens in stories not in real life, so i am very sure someone stole my keys, did their dirty job and returned it back and that brings up the question why?, why would Mr anonymous risk getting caught for just a piece of paper, that question kept bugging my mind that i couldn't sleep, i would always check if the doors are closed or if they are still closed

sleep wouldn't come so i finally gave up willing sleep to come, i went to the kitchen to get water but the sound of a muffled scream invaded my peaceful moment

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