Mind reader

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It was all dark before it all became clear, I was in a weird part of the forest that trees seems to grow in bigger size and animals in larger species, I gaped, my eyes wide open as i looked around, I spotted Liam busy cursing underneath his breath as he tried to start a fire

'Liam' I called out but it was barely a whisper, miraculously he turned around and smiled

'Awake already?' he asked coming to examine my forehead

'How long was I out?' I asked still looking around

'Five days' he said while adjusting my head on a hard looking wood but it is actually soft

'Wow, where are we?' I asked but he was already gone looking at the trees for something edible I can eat, he came back not long ago carrying enormous juicy looking fruits, I reached my hand to pick one but he swatted my hand away

'Things here are really different and weird Luna, we have to cook this fruits and raw stuffs like fishes and meats you eat them raw'

'WHAT!!!' I spluttered barely believing what he was saying, he only smiled smugly at me proceeding to light those juicy, munchable fruits on fire, I closed my eye not wanting to watch the horrific scene before me but he did it anyway, giving me a devilish grin

After about 30 minutes his so called 'Comida Frutas' was ready and I found myself rolling my eyes

'I am not eating those' I said when I saw him bringing two fruits to me

'Trust me you would love it'

'Love what? Do you mean the lifeless looking fruit and besides I am not hungry' I said and to my astonishment it smelled nice, my stomach choosing that embarrassing moment to growl, his grin only widened and he looked like he was suppressing his laughter

'Not hungry my ass' he said rolling his eyes while shoving the two fruits into my hands

'Take a bite and if you don't love it, I would keep some of your dirty thoughts safe with me, thoughts like how pink my lips is when I was lying on death's bed or how my abs seem to show in the clothes I wear no matter how big it is' he said winking at me before taking a sit beside me, taking a bite out of his own fruit, I choked on the fruit I was already eating even before he started blackmailing me, I was red, 'HOT RED' I stuttered saying incoherent words

'How did... do you... oh my...' he only laughed as he saw how badly I was trying to cover my red cheeks

'Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I can read or manipulate a person's mind' he said proudly

'Why didn't you tell me!!!?' I asked almost screaming

'You didn't ask, now eat up you won't like it when it gets cold' he said before laying down to sleep

'sleep tight, we have a long day ahead' he said while I was still embarrassed from the horrible revelation that he could read people's mind, I hurriedly chewed my fruits which were surprisingly tasting good than the normal one's, I gulped the remnants of the water he left for me before laying down to sleep

Author's Note

I am so sorry this is short just like the last one, I have kinda been busy lately but I promise you all that the next one is gonna be long like usual and a little bit spicy than usual

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