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I was woken up suddenly by the sunlight and I couldn't help but yawn and stretch my body, unknowingly hitting Noah on his nose

'Ouch, that hurts'

'Sorry' I groaned

'Where are we?' I asked looking around, it was beautiful, serene and tranquil.

It is as if there is a feeling passing between each living thing, a bond that is peaceful and special. The scent of the air is beautiful and lovely and I could almost taste it on my tongue, the sound of rustling leaves and the way the trees swayed in rhythm with the wind made me relax and a part of me swayed with them, there is only one word to describe all this ethereal and beautiful

'We are in the wolf's territory' the prince said and I almost fell down from the Racunie if not for Noah's firm grip on my waist, his hands were slightly burnt and he was wearing an old looking cloak and so is the prince, he was wearing the same cloak but it looked more regal and at the back it had a crest of a golden crown, it covered his head and his face but not his hand and that was the part that was burned

'The what!?' I asked again but this time nobody replied me, gone was the gentleness and beautiful atmosphere that filled me with happiness, I was filled dread

the wolf's territory, who goes into the wolf's territory and comes out alive, even though wolf don't exist in my world I do watch movies about them and they are never friendly my only hope is that we don't encounter any wolves on our journey, this is a death wish, Even Noah looks so melancholy and quiet so I decided to let it be, hopefully we don't get eaten alive by the wolves

The silent made me uncomfortable and I wanted to say something so I blurted out the first question that came to my mind

'Why is it so bright here and dark there or is it finally morning' I asked no one in particular hoping that someone would talk to me but nobody said anything, not even Noah it felt like he was purposely ignoring me

It was finally evening and we had to find a place to rest so we stopped at a cave it was fairly dark and creepy, the boys finally removed their cloak and not even a burnt mark is on their hand

Weird, those burnt marks were still there minutes ago how could it have healed, that left me asking who are this guys, I know they are not human but who or what are they

'Alright we would be camping in here for now' the prince said and that was the first time I would see him without a cloak or not covered in the dark and he was ohh my, words cannot express my feelings

To say he is gorgeous and breath taking is an understatement, it was obvious that the gods took their time creating him, he has soft messy blonde hair that my hands are for no reason drawn to, cold and piercing deep blue eyes and his body is perfect like he spent his whole life gyming. His abs seems to show no matter the clothe he wears and that alone could make any girl crazy, he has a thick jaw and on his perfectly sculpted body is a hoodie and a jean, it looks as if he is not trying at all but it only made him handsome

Yes, he's handsome. But he's also arrogant and nasty to anyone not in his friendship zone and trust me he does not look friendly in the very least

'Stop staring' he said coldly when he caught me staring and that made me turn red, he looked at me before smirking

'I would go get the woods' Noah's retreating form said while I ran after him scared that if I was left alone with the mysteriously handsome prince I might really loose myself to his alluring, dark mysterious self

I had to catch up with Noah and I was itching to ask what is wrong with him, I was actually thinking if I solved whatever problem between me and Noah I would escape peacefully and return to my world wherever it is and that is if the wolves don't get to me first

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