Face Changer

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The sun shone brightly directly into my eye and i was blinded for a moment or two before I regained my sight, yawning i sat up to look for Liam, i saw him packing our stuffs when he suddenly faced me with a soft smile

'Thank the gods you are awake, i thought you were dead i was just about to leave' he said shrugging like what he said meant nothing, i being used to his snarky comment rolled my eyes while stretching my stiff body

'So where are we going to'

'A place' Liam said not bothering to say anything other than those two words, i scoffed

'Yeah, i know you have got a place in mind but where?'

'Just told you Luna, "a place", if you don't get it, forget it' he said pulling his bag on his shoulder while he handed me mine

If he truly is a gentleman he would have carried that bag for me, can't he see that i am injured, i thought while burning a hole at the back of his head, he turned around with a devilish smirk

'I am no gentleman princess' i gasped a little, i have already forgotten that the devil could read minds, i wish i could wipe off that dirty smirk off his face

Everything was awfully silent as we bulldoze our way through the thick trees and leaves, i decided to start a conversation



'What attacked me, when i left'

'A Porcupine, it's a large beast that feeds on souls, I leave you for two hours and you already pissed off a Porcupine,'

'What's a Porcupine?' i asked confused,

'I have never heard of it', I said ignoring his sarcasm

'It's an upgraded version of a snake, it has legs but crawls on its belly, it has spike at the end of its tail and it has sharp poisonous teeth's that can separate your head from your body' he stopped to look at me for a while before adding

'You have a wild spirit Luna' he said staring at me, I do not like being under his scrutinizing gaze and his almost accusing tone

'I am not wild, I am the direct opposite' I said matching his glare not backing down one bit

'A Porcupine doesn't attack without a reason Luna, If i had come two seconds late you would have been toast' he said while i scoffed

'Yeah, you saved the day' i said sarcasm dripping in my  voice, he suddenly stopped, making me to bump into him

'It definitely saw something in you that is why it attacked' he said worriedly

'So what is this thing it saw in me' I said air quoting my words while placing my hands on my hips

'I don't know, why don't you ask the dead Porcupine' he said shrugging his broad shoulders, I glared at him before going forward, he suddenly grabbed me by my wrist halting my movement

'Shh' he quietly motioned for me to keep shut, everything was silent for a while before he continue moving like nothing happened

'I need to teach you the basics of fighting before we get into the Bermuda Mountain' he said stopping at a clearing not large but large enough for the both of us

He created a big circular thing around us, it was weird, the trees, the floor, the sky and everything around us seem to darken only the sun was able to penetrate inside the big circle, all I could do was gawk like an hawk, Liam watched my every move as I stared in awe at the weird view in front of me until he cleared his throat bringing back my attention to his

'Are you done ogling?'

'Why is there a big circle around us and why are we training?' i asked ignoring his comment

'Firstly it's not a big circle, its a dome and secondly where we are heading to can be a little bit dangerous and i need to know that you can protect yourself' He said coming to stand at my back while he put his hands on my waist, i felt heat rush to my face while i stammered

'What...are...you...doing' i asked wanting to get out of this awkward situation as soon as i can, he scoffed like i asked the dumbest question in the world

'Training "YOU", now split your legs like this and clench your fist this way' he said teaching me the 'combat mode' as he calls it

'Now try to attack me' he said leaving my back which i was grateful because i could not concentrate, i ran to him trying to throw punches at him but he caught all of it, saying for each one he caught

'Slow, weak, unstable'

I finally decided to give up because it was impossible trying to beat him, i decided to leave but he caught me by my wrist and pulled me towards him, he leaned in and our lips were just inches apart, he stared at me and muttered

'Focus' the overpowering scent of villain perfume invading my senses and i soo badly wanted to get away because i was sure i would do something soo stupid if i stayed longer

He suddenly stepped away

'Study your opponent, determine their weakness and their strength. You are small and agile so you have the element of surprise ' he said beckoning for me to attack again but before I could lunch any attack on the annoying guy before me, red things came out of the trees, they looked darker viewing them from the dome but staring closely I noticed they were humans with red paintings on their faces and they had a sharp thick spear with them, Liam was soo focused on me he did not notice the weirdos coming out of the trees

'Liam!' I cried out in despair but it was too late, they threw the spare into the dome and it shattered like a glass only that the pieces disappeared into nothingness, the spear hit Liam on his head and he passed out

I ran to Liam's unconscious body

'Liam please wake up' I said shaking his body, scared that this handsome Prince might be dead, as I was shaking Liam something like a dart hit me on my neck and I was out cold before i knew it

Noah's Pov

I walked through the bush, cursing and hissing,

'She should have come with me not that good for nothing fool', I muttered underneath my breath

I knew I shouldn't have left her without saying goodbye but I couldn't control my anger, so I needed to leave before I do something soo stupid, I sighed, if we see again I should really apologize, stopping I sensed an unwanted presence nearby

'Fuck!' I muttered as I tried to walk faster trying to escape the horrible thing stalking me but I couldn't outrun it or rather out walk it. Coming to face me was the face changer, it's a pathetic beast that steals the face of someone that you are in love with, not the people that you generally love but someone you are in love with, wait speaking of face changer why is it wearing Luna's face

'Shit!' I exclaimed loud enough for the face changer to hear as realization came striking me like lightning

'Oh no' I whispered

'Oh yes' it cackled maniacally

'Have you come to give me what you stole from me "Slasher", it drawled softly, I scoffed

'You really think I would let you have it, then you are dumb. Go ballistic face changer I would only add salt to your wounds' I said with a devilish grin but it only guffawed

'Very well then, have fun seeing the one you love die' it said still chuckling as it wore the face of Luna disappearing into who knows where

'Shit, I need to protect her'

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