She knows

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Noah eventually met me and Liam at our scattered tent (well my hand made tent) but dirtier and quite looking like someone who escaped the psychiatric, he smells like someone who just went to visit the dead and trust me when I say I avoided him to the last but he kept coming which is kinda frustrating, he eventually got the message and left for the flowing stream that I visited earlier, leaving me and Liam alone once more which I won't admit but I really appreciate, I have been searching for answers all my life and I want to know more, I have come to understand that beneath that glare and mask Liam is a soft and playful person "that is" if you are patient enough to remove the mask he wears most of the time

I glanced at Liam to find him already staring at me, I don't know why I did it but I walked towards his makeshift bed staring at him, his gaze seem to shift from my face moving to my lips, lingering there for a few seconds before he broke the awkward silence


'Stop doing what?'

'Stop staring' he said, his gaze moving to my eyes

'I want answers'

'I already told you what you need to know' he said and I was silent for a while before asking

'Who is my dad?'

'I told you what you need to know Luna, please don't push further' I ignored him and continued

'How do I harness this power of mine' Liam looked pissed because I won't stop asking

'Same brat when we were young, you haven't change at all' he muttered under his breath but I still heard

I ignored his statement and tried to think of a way he would give me what I want

'Liam please I have been searching for answers for the past ten years since when mom disappeared with Anny my junior sis and now that I am finally getting somewhere with my life, just tell me, you said it yourself that this guy is powerful, how do I fight him when I don't know who I am fighting with, I don't even know how to harness this power of mine'

Liam was silent for a while

'Liam please' I begged and it looked like his facial expression softened for a bit before he caved in

'Luna you are such a pain in the ass' he said grumbling before sighing

'Come with me'


Unknown Pov

'She knows' the first person said

'Why don't you let her know who you are' the second person replied

'Patience my friend' the first person said with a smirk

'When would you show yourself to her then?'

'When she least expects'

Author's Note

Thank you very much for the time you have invested in reading my story, i am very sorry this chapter came out very short, i wanted to post something for my loyal readers, please don't forget to comment, like, follow and vote, i love you all, once again thank you.

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