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I woke up to darkness and I was starting to think I was blind folded again but when I found out my legs and hands were not tied and my eyes were not tied I realized that I was surrounded with darkness, it was so frustrating and since I was scared of darkness I started sobbing,

'Is anybody there please help me', I said sobbing, it was traumatic being surrounded by darkness, being in a position where you are not in control can be a little bit scary

I stopped crying when I noticed footsteps coming my way it was so dark so I unconsciously shifted back even though I could not see where I was going

'Who are you and what did you want with me?' I asked deciding that if I should end up dead at least my ghost would know who to haunt

'Nobody important' he replied, his voice deadly and dangerous, his voice is very familiar but I could not remember exactly where I heard his voice

'Where am I?' I asked suddenly curious, all of my fears out of the window

'You ask a lot of questions child'

I yelped when I suddenly felt a cold hand grab mine roughly pulling me forward guiding me through endless halls I think

How can he see in the dark, I am sure he is a pro in the dark, I mean someone who can come out of my shadow can see in the dark right? In fact I am starting to think that I am going crazy, firstly Ethan was brutally murdered, then they burnt down the village and I was kidnapped by heartless guys, only to have a man come out of my shadow to kidnap me, of course guys who comes out of shadows are only written in stories, I know this is a terrible nightmare and I can't wait to wake up

Suddenly we stopped in front of two huge doors and the man turned to me

'Child when we get inside the throne room, don't speak when you are not asked to, if you don't want your head to be separated from your body like Ethan'

I gasped

You... you killed him, you killed Ethan' I said closed wounds reopening

He just stared at me like forever, then replied

'There are a lot of things you don't understand, a lot of things child'

That left me in a world of confusion, I furrowed my brows and glared at him, I was just about to say words of profanities to him when he walked to the two huge doors and walked through it like it was nothing, I hurried after him hoping beyond hope that I could pass through the double doors just like he can, so I won't be left alone in the dark

Finally at last I could see light at the front and at the front is a throne but nobody is seating on it only a golden crown that seem to light up the whole room

What is it with the throne am I in some Medieval era, I must be in king Camelot palace, I thought as i smiled at my silly thought for the first time in a long time

'My king this is she who you seek, I have brought her according to your command' he said on his kneels while bowing to who knows what

I didn't know what to do, if I should bow or just stand but I decided that they were the ones who kidnapped me so to hell with their fucking king

'Hmmm, I see',

a ground shaking voice replied that made me tremble as a form materialized on the throne with a crown on his head, he looked like he had been a warrior all his life before he became king, he had big fists the size of my head on each hand and well he looked like he was in his early seventies, with white hair on his head and his mustache

Why would they crown someone so old as a king?

The so called king shifted his gaze from the man in a hoodie to me,

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