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After evening Noah came and we were ready to leave, Liam took me deeper into the forest just to teach me patience and me on the other hand was really pissed, everything was silent for a while before Liam stopped packing, breaking the silence

'Where do we go from here' Liam asked

'We are going to where your father sent us to' Noah said without looking at anybody's direction, Liam looked surprised before asking with a calm voice

'You are joking right?' Noah looked at him before smirking


'Do you have a death wish, you saw what happened, you saw how he wanted everyone dead specifically 'ME', so if you want to commit suicide I am not coming and Luna is definitely not coming' Liam said trying to control his anger but I can see he is failing to do so, Noah was a little bit shocked before he snorted [Maybe he was not expecting Liam to stand up for me in that way]

'Luna is coming with me Liam, and there is nothing you can possibly do about it' Noah said calmly, his voice was smooth and silk like butter but his hot gaze felt like it was burning down anything and everything he looked at leaving no room for argument, I was silent watching them argue when Liam suddenly faced me

'Luna has the right to choose who she wants to leave with Noah, let her choose' Liam said facing me

'Who are you leaving with Luna' Liam asked staring at me while Noah looked like he was going to murder him, his gaze suddenly shift towards me and I shivered a little

'I am going my own way, I am not going with anybody' I said not wanting to be biased, but Noah still looked hurt and Liam looked disappointed

'Luna you can't go alone by yourself in the forest, what of if you get attacked or worse killed' Noah said looking concerned

'You need to come with me' Noah said with a tone of finality I was about to say something when Liam chipped in

'You claim to want her safe yet you are taking her to one of the most dangerous city ever to be built' Liam said with a glare while Noah still looked calm but obviously maintaining his anger, it felt like he was a ticking time bomb before he spoke softly

'You think I am dumb, that I don't know what I am doing, well newsflash I want to know what that old frog of yours is up to, to know what we are up against and if none of you is interested be my guest' Noah said finally blowing up while he walked outside taking large strides, I gulped down, Liam looked at me his voice softening but his face seem to harden

'Here is your chance Luna, come with me or leave with him, either way I am not leaving you alone to venture out alone into the forest, so take your pick'

'I am leaving alone Liam and there is nothing you can do about it, this is the only way I can return to my burnt down village and my friends' Liam face was expressionless and I can't seem to determine what is going on in that handsome head of his

'Very well then, be my guest and the only thing I want you to know is that there is no other way to your world except through the vampires and trust me they are ruthless than our kind' he said before pulling his sack on a Racunie chewing near the camp, he sat on it and saluted me

'Fair well Pumpkin, I wish you safety from all the wild creatures roaming this forest' he said chuckling deeply

'That is if the Gunslingers don't get to you first' he said leaving me dreading the day I set foot in this part of the forest

He said that to put fear in me, I told myself trying to calm my racing heart down

I waited a little hoping that Noah is going to come back but he didn't he had obviously left when he was angry, so I packed the things I would be needing and the small but sharp dagger Emmitt let me take from the shadows when we were leaving, I sighed a little looking at the only Racunie left still chewing calmly at its grass

'Guess I would be going on foot then' I muttered already dreading the idea of mounting on a Racunie only for it to drop me in a place I don't want to be

I started walking in a direction I feel is right with little clothes and little food in a sack strapped to my bag, after walking for miles I felt tired and needed rest when something hissed, I turned back but saw nothing, another hiss coming from the right

'What the fuck is...' I didn't get to complete my sentence when something large and silky attacked me, I fought in a desperate attempt to wriggle free underneath its hold, I searched frantically for my dagger while dodging huge claws that could slice my head into pieces, I couldn't find my dagger and all hope was lost not until a bang and it fell heavily on me, I gasp desperately trying to suck more air into my lungs because it felt like my air supply has been cut off, I heard a grunt and it rolled over me, the face looking at me was cursing and searching my face for any source of injury


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