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I hurriedly followed Emmitt while Noah followed, luckily the place where Emmitt led us to is not as dark like I am used to, and so I could ogle at the place, the walls were all black and there are golden intricate deeply carved on the wall in languages I could not understand.

Noah caught me staring at the walls and smiled sheepishly

'Those are called 'The Metuzels', they were discovered when the First World War occurred

'The Metuzels?' I muttered under my breath

'Who or what are the Metuzels?' I asked voicing out my thoughts

Noah was just about to reply when Emmitt suddenly announced loudly

'We are here', then he turned to glare at Noah

I released out an audible sigh, no one here wants to tell me anything and anytime I feel like I am getting close to answers it just feels like... argh, I groaned frustrated

Emmitt opened the double doors this time not passing through it and on the other side are tents, foods and weapons of all kind that could last a lifetime

Are this people assassins or what, I have never seen weapons this much in my life

'Go pick what you would need' Emmitt said while I went in, the place looked cleaned and things where neatly stacked. Noah went in and viewed the swords picking one

'You won't be needing those Noah, I am sure you know what I am talking about' Emmitt said eyeing the swords on Noah's hand

'Why won't we be needing any swords, we are going to one of the most dangerous city to ever be created and we won't be needing any swords?' I asked confused

Does he wants us dead?

'Noah understands what I am saying Luna'

'But Emmitt at least she needs something to protect herself', Noah pleaded looking at Emmitt while Emmitt looked to appear in deep thought

'Alright she can take one'

I took a black bow and an arrow that, it was beautiful and golden engravings on the bow and the tip of the arrows

'Nice choice' Emmitt said while nodding 

We hurriedly packed what we could and headed outside, the sky was beautiful and magical

'Whoa this is beautiful' I said as I couldn't take my eyes off the sky, Noah smiled

'Let me guess, you never got this in your world'

'Yeah we don't, wait am I in another universe' I asked the horrible feeling of staying away from my home, friends that are practically family and the horrible scene of Ethan's dead body, emotions that I shoved deep down in the bottom of my heart resurfaced and if not for Noah's hand holding my waist I would have fallen down by now

'Hey, you okay' Noah's concerned face found mine

I didn't get the time to reply before Emmitt's annoying voice interrupted

'Let's not keep the prince waiting, shall we' he said motioning for me to keep going while he glared at Noah, dragging him back

I knew Emmitt was not comfortable with the fact that Noah keep trying to tell me stuff about this world or wherever I am but I don't give two shit's and I don't think I care at all, all I am thinking right now is how I want to escape from all this, Emmitt, the always glaring Prince and this world, I really can't wait to go back to my friends and avenge Ethan's death and my destroyed village

I hope they are still alive

I looked at the sky one more time for comfort, it had two moons that seated comfortably on the sky and the star's shone brightly, scattered around the two moon, shining beautiful on the trees, the trees seem to sway beautifully to the breeze while the bird's sang beautiful song's calming my nerves, the wind blew softly caressing my chin, I twirled round and giggled, forgetting all about home, friends, family, it felt like all my burdens were lifted off my shoulders and it felt like I could finally breath, it felt like nature's chant created to comfort me and me only, it all felt surreal and ethereal, like something you would read in stories or something you would watch in a movie, it looked like I was still dreaming and I would occasionally stop twirling to pinch my cheeks and if it hurts I would lay on the grass and roll on it chasing the butterflies that were having their rest, this was the first time I won't be blindfolded so this is all still new to me but even though this is all magical and beautiful I still miss Earth, we don't get to have two full moons on our sky and beautiful stars that could light up the entire world but home sweet home is the best, Earth is magical and beautiful in its own way and I really appreciate it

After taking like forever Noah finally showed up with an angry Emmitt trailing behind

I wonder what made Emmitt so angry that he looks like he could rip anybody's head apart

I was still laying on the grass playing with the butterflies like nobody's business when Noah winked at me and an angry Emmitt just passed by, storming off to who knows where

'You really are enjoying your stay here, aren't you' Noah said helping me brush off the dirt that somehow found its way inside my hair

I just replied with a smile before we continued walking towards three horses and the Prince seated on one comfortably like a king, he looked angry and impatient, on the second horse are all the things we packed for the journey, the way it found its way on the horse is beyond my understanding because one minute it was with me and the next it's on the horse

'What took you long?' The Prince asked in a thick voice

'Nothing my prince, just a problem we needed to settle' Emmitt replied only to glare at Noah

What's going on between those two?

Looking closely at the horses it looked weird but beautiful, I know by now it should not fascinate me but it was still beautiful and magical

It was broad with long two legs at the front, two legs in the middle and two legs at the back making it a total of six legs, they have wings and a horn that joins together at the middle, it was purely white and their legs looked way too big for their body, I don't know the name of this creature but I am sure has hell not riding on it even though it is beautiful, Noah sensing my fear placed his hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile

'Don't worry Luna, they don't bite and they are a lot calmer than the horses in your world' he said squeezing my shoulder in a reassuring way but it did not help reduce my fear in any way if anything it only made it worse

'Are we going to leave already or are we just goanna stay here and watch the Racunies' the Prince said obviously angry and oblivious to the fact that he is annoying

'Bitch' I muttered under my breath

'Trust me' Noah said holding my waist and helping me up to the Racunies, I sat in fear, scared that if I made the wrong move I would be sent flying into the trees or worse eaten alive and I have a bad feeling that the Prince would enjoy watching me being eaten alive, since he is looking for all the ways he could get rid of me

'Take care of yourself child' Emmitt finally said something other than glare at Noah

He kidnaps me and then wishes me safety, who is he kidding

We finally started moving and the Racunies were faster than normal horses but I was thinking why we could not fly to wherever we were going because if they could walk this fast I wonder how fast they would fly

'Noah why aren't the Racunies flying because I am sure if we flew we would get to wherever we are going a lot faster' Noah who I am sure heard me only seem to nod and I actually thought he was not going to answer me but after taking like eternity he finally spoke up

'The Racunies only fly when they want to Luna'

'Why can't you just make them fly, horses never seem to want to walk but with two strokes of whip on their butt they walk like their life depends on it' I said getting a little bit confused

'Well the Racunies aren't like horses in your world, you force them to fly, they fly but drop you in your worst nightmare, a place you don't want to be, they can sense your fear, if you are scared of height they would just fly you up into the clouds and drop you from that place, watch you fall and smash your skull then leave your dead body to vultures, that's how they work Luna so we don't force them to fly under any circumstances'

What he just said sent shivers down my spine and I found myself shivering, sensing my discomfort he placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way

'Don't worry they won't drop you in a place you don't want to be as far as you don't force them

Too shocked to speak I just nodded and everything was silent, the Prince whose face I could not still see was silent and I was wondering if he would not speak till we reach where we were going to not like I cared but I was just curious

The trotting of the Racunies finally lured me into a dreamless sleep and I was out like light in no time

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