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minhos eyes widened at the sight.
he immediately rushed to the boy.


the called boy turned around and when he spotted minho running towards him, he panicked.
"don't come near me!"
he said and stepped a little closer to the edge, making minho stop in his tracks.

"han, what are you doing?" minho asked gently, not wanting to scare the boy, even tho he was panicking inside.

one wrong move, and the boy could fall from the bridge.
he needed to get him off of the bridge as soon as possible.

han looked at the water under him.
"I....I don't know."

"let's calm down, okay? how about you got off that edge, yeah? we can talk together, okay? you can tell me everything that's bothering you, just get down. It's really dangerous."

minho slowly started walking towards han, making small steps, so that han wouldn't get scared.

han didn't reply him, and kept staring on the water under him.

"jisung? let's go home, okay?"

han still didn't reply.

"jisung, can you hear me?"

minho started getting closer to han, and han noticed that.

"I told you not to come near me!"
han said.

minho panicked.
"I'm sorry, im sorry, how about you get down, hm?"

han looked down at the water again.
"I.....I can't."


"because I should die."

"no, no, no, no, no, jisung, don't say that, you shouldn't, you can't die. you live for a reason, sweetheart. let's just calm down and talk when you're a safe distance from the edge, okay?"

han didn't reply.

"jisung? let's just get down, okay?"

"minho, I......I ruined everything. I'm ruining everything. I was the reason why you refused to go on a world tour, my own parents hated me, my whole existence is a mistake.
I....I can't ruin anyone's life again, I can't. I have to die."

jisungs eyes started to water.
fuck, he was so weak.

"god, my head hurts."

minhos eyes widened.
"jisung, listen to me. none of this is your fault. I CHOSE  to not go, you had nothing to do with it.
your parents were shitty people, they didn't deserve you. you didn't deserve what you got.
jisung, you're an amazing human being, you matter, you're important, you deserve to live, okay?

minho then noticed how Hans body shifted closer to the edge, and he started panicking.
he quickly ran to the bridge and pulled jisung off of it. they fell on the ground, jisung falling on top of minho.

minho immediately wrapped his hands around him protectingly, smelling his scent.

he was safe, he was in his arms.

jisung sobbed into minhos chest, while minho caressed his back, humming his favorite song.

jisung cried, minho cried, they laid on the ground, hugging each other.
if someone saw them, they would think they're crazy.

after a while, jisung calmed down and just stayed in minhos arms.
minho sat up, leaned against the bridge and moved jisung on his lap, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

they continued sitting there, not caring about anything, minho was just glad he found han in time.

"let's go home, okay hannie?" minho gently whispered to the boy, who nodded his head, agreeing.

minho got up and picked han up. han wrapped his legs around minho, and minho put his hands on Hans thighs, supporting him.

he started walking towards the car, while jisung laid his head on minhos shoulder, falling asleep.

when they reached minhos car, he carefully seated him on the passenger seat, put his seatbelt on and gave him a kiss on the forehead before going to the driver seat.

minho pulled out his phone and called his best friend to let him know that he found han.

it rang for a while, before hyunjins voice was heard.

"minho, we can't find him anywhere. we looked everywhere around your neighborhood and there is no sight of him. Felix is freaking out, and I'm starting freaking out too."

"you can go home, I found him, you don't need to worry anymore."

"really? you found him? is he okay?"

minho looked at jisung.
"I guess so?"

"what?! is he hurt?!"

"no, but he tried to jump off a bridge."

"oh....well, good job? I'm glad he's okay tho, felix will be too. okay then, bye."

"bye hyunjin, thanks for helping me."

"yeah, of course, but if I were you, I would probably take a few days off and take care of him, make sure that he's okay, you know?"

"yeah, I'm planning to do that. I'm not gonna make the same mistake again."

"yeah, okay then, bye!"


minho hanged up and looked at the sleeping boy next to him. he sighed and stared the car, driving to his house.

when he arrived, minho got up and went to the passenger seat. he picked up han bridal style and he went inside. he laid him on the couch.

normally, he would let him sleep, but the boy didn't take his meds, nor ate anything today, and he wasn't going to let that slide.
he gently shook the younger boy.


han whined and opened his eyes.
minho just then realized how red hans eyes were.
how long has he been crying?

"you need to take your meds, alright sweetheart? I also brought you cheesecake."

when han heard the word "cheesecake", he immediately went to the bathroom and took his meds, minho watching him from the door.

han then happily went to the table, waiting for his promised cheesecake with smile on his face.

minho sighed.
it looked like he completely forgot about the fact that he was about to kill himself not even twenty minutes ago.

he went to the kitchen, opened the box the piece of cheesecake was in and put it on a plate, putting it in front of han.

"thank you hyung~" han said happily and started eating his well deserved cheesecake.

minho sat across from the boy, admiring him while the boy ate his cheesecake.

"when you finish your cheesecake, you can go back to sleep, okay?"
minho said and jisung looked at him, still with reddish eyes.

"but I don't feel like sleeping hyung, can we watch some movie~?"

minho sighed.
"okay, sure, what do you want to watch?"

"hmmm, how about Barbie and the diamond castle?"
Hans eyes lit up.

minho smiled.
how could he say no to the adorable boy?

"sure. eat your cheesecake then, I will make us some popcorn."

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