boaring day

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DogDay's POV

Yep..... This is my life... Where I'm the only one who gets picked on by not have to walk anymore. In case your wandering, my name is DogDay. A dog that brightens everyone day by torturing me. I use to walk though, but that's a story for another day. Well now that you know everything about me, I'll have you know that I'm completely beaten up by critters who I thought were friends, but since I can't walk, they humiliate, torture, and brutality beat me till I'm unconscious as usual. "......Well..... I guess this is how it's going to be", I said with a sigh. The next day has gone by and I was watering the flowers since it was the only thing I could do and it's calming." Hahah look guys.. The widdle puppy is watering flowers", I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and sure enough, there they are. Kicken chicken, Bobby bearhug, and Hoppy hopscot towering over me. "Guys come on. Can y'all please leave me alone for just one day?", I said frustrated. Suddenly I felt a strong punch in the stomach and I fell to the ground" who gave you permission to speak hag? "Hoppy said angerly. I felt awful pain. I tried to reached for my wheel chair, but Bobby picked it up and threw it in the pond while laughing. Kicken toward over me" critters like you don't deserve happy endings", she said as all three of them walked off. Her words felt like nails through my chest. I burst into tears. "..... Hey..... Are you alright" I heard a voice. It sounded calm and gentle. The scent of lavender shrucked my nose. I looked up and saw.......

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