boiling heart

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Dogday's POV

Did he really do it.. Did he killed my parents? It felt like my heart was about to break to a million peaces. "Did your voice change... Wait a minute you do look familiar. Your the puppy I threw off the roof. How the fuck are you alive?, " he asked angrily. My blood overheated and I charged at him. My eyes turned from white to blood red. I pounced on him and punch him with all my might. "YOU BASTARD.. YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME.. MY FAMILY, MY LIFE, MY HAPPY ENDING YOU SON OF A BITCH, " I screamed. I never felt this anger before, but now I know the truth. I screamed and cried as I continue to punch him like a punching bag. I was pulled away by Catnap. "DOGDAY.... PLEASE COME DOWN", he pleaded. " NO.... I'LL FUCKEN KILL HIM... I'LL RIP HIM TO SHREADS", I tried squirming off but Catnap was too strong. He hugged me tight. He buried my face into his chest. "Shhhh.... It's okay..... I'm here... Calm down..."." It's not fair..... It's not fair ", I repeated. He kissed he on the forehead. " I'm here hun... I'm here.. ", his voice was so calm and I giggled as he continued to wipe my tears away. Suddenly, we heard a loud laugh. We look to see his dad laughing like crazy. " so I was right.... You was that peace of shit I threw off the hill, and not only that. I finally knew you two are gay. That makes it even better ". He pulled out a gun and pointed at me. Catnap guard me. " I hate faggets like you and now I'm going to kill one?this is going to be good". Then his mother shielded both of us. "Get the fuck out the way or else your going to join them", he said evilly. " I rather die then let you kill my son. You already ruined me....I'm not gonna go through that again...Catnap was right..... I should have left your ass many years ago, but I was blind by your words and now.... I'm never gonna live under you anymore"."heh well that's good cause you all are gonna go soon enough". As he was about to pull the trigger, we heard a hiss,but it wasn't normal. I looked at catnap's mom. It wasn't coming from her. Then I realized it was coming behind me. I turned around.

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