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The sun rose high outside. Dogday and catnap laid on the bed cuddling each other. Dogday yawned as the sun touched his fur. I woke up and looked at sleeping catnap. He looked so cute, he couldn't stop starying at his body.

Dogday: wake up sleepyhead.. It's time to get up


Catnap resisted on getting up so dogday gave up. He went down stairs and prepared breakfast. Suddenly dogday heard a knock on his door. He went in and opened it. What he saw left him shock and a little angry

Dogday:.... Kicken... Chicken...

Kicken chicken:h-hey..... Dogday uhhh... No time no see heh...

Dogday:( getting pissed) give me one good reason why I shouldn't growl at you?

Kicken chicken:(sweats) h-hey no need to get violence okay?..... Look..... After that day.... When we barge into your house

Dogday:yeah.... I'm trying to forget about it(looks away) where your friends?

Kicken chicken:they.... They didn't want to hang out anymore.... Dogday?.... I'm sorry.... For what I did.... I'm sorry for bullying you all those years.... I don't expect you to give me, but.... Someday..... I hope I can things right between us in the future.

Dogday couldn't believe what he just heard. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming close.

Catnap: babe.... What's going on.... Why is he here?

Kicken chicken:oh..... Sorry.... I was just.... About to leave (turns away, but stopped.i turned around) by the way.... You two look great together (walks away)

Catnap was now shocked

Catnap: what.... Just happened...

Dogday: idk.... I'll explain later... Come on your foods gonna get cold.

Catnap:heh... You never fail to make dinner

Dogday:(smirks) yeah yeah... Come eat you big kitty (kisses your cheek)

Catnap: you dirty dog
Wow kicken chicken had a change of heart... I wonder if the others did the same. Find out later on our next chapter. 👌👌👌👌

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