A Friend

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DogDay's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did he say he was going to protect me. " really..... But why? ", I asked confusin. " I can't let a cutie like you get injured", he said smiling. I blush like crazy. Did he just called me... Cute?

CatNaps POV

oh my god oh my god oh my god. Did I really just say this? Stupid stupid. "I-i mean because you don't deserve to handle this kind of treatment", I said as I looked away blushing. You sit there for a moment and giggled"..... DogDay.... My is DogDay", he said smiling. His smile was warm and kind. My heart started beating fast. I didn't know what to do anymore. " so.... Your gonna help me up or.... ", I came back to reality as you said that. " y-yeah.. Yeah... Come let's go", I said giggling nervously. I helped you up and put on my back. His sweet scent smiled amazing and beautiful.

DogDay's POV

I was on his soft, warm fur on his back. My nose catch a glimpes of his scent. "You.... Smell nice", I said blushing a little. " I smell like lavender do I? ", he asked. " y-yes!", I admited. My body was shivering from what I just said. "Well........ You smell like venilla",  he cominded. I stood frozen and shock.... " how.... How did you know? ", I said surprised. He grinned" because I like Venillia ", he admits. It made me blush like crazy. " come on it's getting dark. We should get going", CatNap said as he run to the house. I couldn't believe this. Do I have.... Feelings for a cat? This is strange for a dog like me. My heart was pounding in my chest.

CatNap's POV

I  could hear DogDay's heart beats. It's rythem was so smooth. So light like a bright yellow flower. My heart starts beating fast. What is wrong with me? We made to the house and I was exhausted "we're here. Is this the place? ", I asked. " yeah. It is.... Haven't changed one bit", he smiled. "It's beautiful", I said as I walked inside. I place him on the couch" there you go", "thank you", he commented. I took a look a around the place and it was really amazing, but my were focused that one picture. It made blush by looking at the poses. My heart was beating so fast. He looked cute while standing up. " Is this you? ", I asked holding the picture to him.

I saw his face turned bright red as he saw the picture

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I saw his face turned bright red as he saw the picture. He looked away. " y-yeah that's me when I used to stand up hehe.... I look ridiculous don't I? " he asked. I frowned "no you don't. I think you look fantastic in this. " I admit. He h laughed"too bad I can't walk anymore "he said looking down. I slammed my hand on the table made him jumped a little. " that's not true. Your going to walk one day. I know you will... Don't give up hope okay? I'm going to help you walk even if it's kills me", I admitted. "I'm your friend remember and I will never leave you. Friends like me doesn't give on the things you love the most and what I love the most is have you life back so we can kick your bullies asses", I yelled in honor.

DogDay's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. You wants to help me walk. My heart felt like a race car. Tears were running down my eyes like water falls. " you.... Really mean that? ", I asked. " yes... That's what friends are right? ", he replied with a wink. I smiled widely. It felt like my old self was coming back to me. I hugged him tight. " thank you..... Thank you ", I repeated. I looked outside" we should go to sleep now ", I said. "Yeah *yawns*.... I am sleepy" he said. He was about to walk off but I stopped him. "W-wait... Can you..... Sleep with me? ", I asked." I mean if t-that's okay...I want you to sleep with me".He pause for a moment and smiled at me. "Sure.. I would love to". He climb next to me and we both just looked at the ceiling. "..... To be honest..... I can't sleep" I admit. "Why? " "because it's hard for me to sleep sometimes and I hate it", I growled. CatNap looked at me. " I may have something that might help you" "what is it", I asked. He open his mouth a little and red mist came out of it. " what the... How are you... .. You.... Doing... That", I started feeling dizzy and tired. I drifted off to a peaceful sleep. "Sleep well.. My friend", CatNap said as fell asleep as well. I was so happy that I found a real friend.

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