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CatNap's POV

Hi... My name is CatNap. I am a purple cat who loves to sleep at night. I smell like lavender and I don't talk very much. I have an ability that I'll tell you later. Now that you know me, let's get started.

You see, it was the afternoon and I was feeling board. No one ever talked me, and others pick on my because of my fur. Sometimes when I see angry, I use my power called"Deep Sleep". It's when I can put people to sleep. I was walking on the road when I heard noises coming from the behind the trees. Being curious as I was, I followed the sound. I saw four other critters arguing. I quickly hid behind a tree to not be spotted "come on guys. Can you leave me alone for one day", that's what I heard. Then I heard a sound of beating and splash of water. I looked to see the three other critters were gone and only one was on the ground completely injured. I quickly ran to him*.... Hey.... Are you alright? ", I said in a shy tone. You looked at me. I completely help you up. " come on. Let's get you somewhere safe". I placed him on the ground trying to catch my breath "t-thank you... *the dog said. " no problem.. What happened there", I asked. He went quite "..... They.... They picked on me" he said sobbing. "What.... Why?"." Look at me"he said pointing to his legs. "I..... I can't walk anymore", he said whipping his tears. I grew frustrated" those assholes needs to pick on someone their own sides", I siad, my blood was boiling, but I completely come down. I turned around and smiled. "Don't worry. I'm going to protect you", I said holding out my hand" my name is CatNap.. What's yours? ", I said smiling.

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