A visiter

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It was cold and dark out. Everything was silent and all she could hear was an owl. It made her scared even more.

?? :(shivers) mmmmm... It's really dark out her and I'm completely lost oh... Please tell me there's a shelter near by.

The critter walk for hours and hours until finally she saw a small, but visible light. She couldn't jumped, but she was really happy to find light. She quickly ran and ran , not stopping until she reached the light. The light began glowing brighter and brighter. She was getting close until she finally found it.

??? :A house. Yes I found shelter.. I found... I.... (Struggles to walk from all the running) I.... I can't... Stop now.. You can.... Make.... It..... (Falls down unconscious)

Meanwhile at Dogday's house, Catnap was cleaning the kitchen while Dogday was making tea.

Dogday: hun can you take out the trash please

Catnap:sure thing puppy

Dogday:(blush) c-catnap....

Catnap:what it's a good nickname for you

Dogday:(pouts playfully)

Catnap got the trash and make it to the door. He opened the door and froze. He dropped the bag and screamed.


Dogday:(runs to him) what happened?

Catnap:(was holding someone) help me.. There's a critter here.. She's hurt

Dogday:(helps) come on let's take her to the couch

They took her to the couch and sat her down. They looked at each other and looked back at her. She was a unicorn, with light blue hair, light blue hands and feet. She was the same height as us and she was really injured. Dogday broke the silence.

Dogday:catnap we have to help her

Catnap:I know. Let's give her some tea

Dogday went to make tea while catnap watch over the critter. She was badly Injured. Dogday came back with tea and first aid kit. They patched her up marking sure they don't touch anything private. They were raffish ally done and lay her down.

Catnap:let's give her some rest dogday, we'll talked to her Tomorrow

Dogday:good idea. Let's head to bed

Catnap and Dogday left her alone to rest and they went to bed. The next day, Dogday and catnap woke up by a loud scream. They ran down stairs and saw that the critter had woken up. She was in a panic.

??? :w-were am I? How did I get? Who are you critters?

Dogday:(tries to calm her down) hey hey hey it's ok.... We're not gonna hurt you.

??? :(takes a deep breath) who are you?

Dogday and Catnap smiled at her.

Dogday:well.... My name is Dogday. Nice to meet you(holds out his hand)

Catnap:and I'm Catnap (holds out his hand)

??? :(holds out her hand) I'm...... I'm Craftycorn ....

Dogday:nice to meet you Craftycorn


Well there you all have. The chapter of Craftycorn. I know it might be short for y'all and forgive. I got to celebrate my older brother's birthday. See you all next time. God bless🙏🙏🙏🙏

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