catnap's parents

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Catnap's POV

Today is the day. Where my parents come to visit me. I'm great that my mom is coming. It's just the worst part is dad. He always been a hobofobic ass hole and a drunk addict. He would beat me when I was little kitten, but when I graduated from high school, he didn't even say goodbye. It was only my mother who protects me sometimes. She would take the beatings from me. She always feed me. I always keep telling her to him or we should run away, but she just shook her head. Now I feel guilty for leaving her alone with him. Now the time has come.... He was on his way here, so me and dogday got up early and get prepared. Dogday got his mom's maid outfit and got dress while I just sit on the couch. He came out. "So..... How do I look babe" he said in a girly voice. I was shocked and melted. "You look amazing love... Good voice acting too" I laughed. "Thank you".suddenly, we heard a loud banging on the door. I knew who it was. " remember the plan? "I asked him and he nodded. " let's do this "he said. We made our way the door and I opened it. " hey mom...... Hey dad..... ".

Dogday's POV

what I saw, made me horrified that I almost wet myself. The tall cat must be his dad, but it was him.... It was the women who he referd to as his mother. Her eyes were bloodshot like she hasn't sleep in years. Your clothes were torn like a homeless woman. Your body was bruised and bleeding. She had a leash on her neck. LITERALLY a leash on her neck like she was some sort of pet. " hey mom...... Hey dad.... This is my girlfriend Myra ", he said. I put on my girly voice and and put on a smile. "Hello sir... It's a pleasure to meet you... ", I said holding out my hand, but catnap grabbed. " hehe sorry about... He... Doesn't like hand shakes hun", "oh.... I'm sorry"." ENOUGH TALK.... I DIDN'T COME HERE TO MAKE SMALL TALK, SO ARE YOU GONNA LET US IN LIKE A GOOD BOY OR WHAT? ", he yelled. Does he really get pissed out easily. " now now dear. It's his girlfriend. He doesn't know anything about us yet dear"his mom said. Her voice was kind and sweet mixed with frightening and fear. "Yeah your.... She don't really know about us", he said. Then he did the most awful move I saw. He smack her so hard she fell down the floor. " BUT IF YOU EVER SPEAK WITHOUT MY DAMN PERMISSION, I'LL PUT YOU ON THE STREETS. GOT IT BICTH? ", he yelled out and his wife nodded. I looked at catnap. His was clutching his hands together. He look like he wanted to cry in anger, but it all bubbled up inside him. Now I know why he never talked about them. " now... Your gonna let us in or what... I ain't got all damn day ", he said unpasiontly. We nodded and we went inside. Is going to be a long day.

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