The park

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Catnap's POV

I was sitting on the bench, watching DogDay happily running around. He was much hyper than before all I can was laugh at his face. He was running with his tongue sticking out basically catching his breath while running. Twenty minutes later, he finally stopped catching his breath fully. "Had fun? ", I asked " yeah...... I.... Did", he said still panting. "It's been a while since you run has it", I asked him. " yeah.. Now that my feet are moving again, I run to the park whenever I like", he said tail wagging. "..... How did this happen to you.. U know.... Your legs not working? ", I asked curiously. He grew quite.

Dogday's POV

I knew someday would come to this, and I wanted to get this off my chest. Catnap is the only one that gets me a lot and I trust him, so.... Why not tell him. I sat on the grass and pated a spot next to me. Telling you to come sit with. As you did, I took a deep breath. " do...... Do you remember when you asked me about my parents and I said there were gone? "I asked him. He nodded. I took another deep breath. " I.... I was with them. You see I had an amazing dad and an amazing mom. . We were one big family. One big happy family to the point the they spoil me a lot, but I was never picky.... I miss them... "I said tears streaming down my face, but I continue. " one day.... They said they had a surprise for me and that I'll love it. I was full of energy and I wanted to know so bad. They laughed at my eximent and my dad put me on his bad..... We walked in the middle of the night. I sing my lollyable my mom always sang when I was a little puppy. Then..... Something awful happened...... My mother was shot in the back. She was strong woman, but the bullet hit her, she layed lifeless. When I saw, I screamed. It felt like my angle was now gone and will never come back. My dad grabbed me and made a run for it. He hid me in a near by bush. "...... Don't come out.... " he wishperd. I kelp grabbing his leg. Telling him not to leave. I already lost my mom and couldn't lose him either. He smiled and wrip the tears off my face. "It'll be okay...... Just stay strong.... And move forward... " that was his last words before running to get my mom. I waited... Praying to God that he make it and then*BANG* I heard it.... The sound of a gun. I was scared begging more and more that his okay. I woved out the buses and look. It was quite. Then a hand grabbed my move and pulled me up. I tried to scream, I tried to move away, but I was too weak. He took me to the wear my parents was and that when I saw my dad......... He was shot in the head... I scream and muffled I tried to move but I couldn't. He took me to the top of the hill and I new what he was going to do. He wishperd in my ear. "..... Sweet dreams.... " that what he said before he let go. I didn't get a glimpse of him. I hit every rock on my body and I soon hit the floor... And that was the last time I saw them"I finished my story... I couldn't hold back my tears.." All the pain all the suffering I did.. I just wish I was strong enough to say them", I broke down crying. I began to sing my lollyable.

CatNap's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. He must have suffered a lot. I held him in my arms, kissing his head as he buried it in my chest. "..... It's ok.... I'm here.... And I always will be", I said comforting him. " I miss them... I miss them so much.. ", he repeat. I veil heart broken. " I promise you.... I will protect you.. With all my life.... I love you ", I said confident. " I love you too", he said back. I kissed him deeply. Feeling the softness of his lips. It felt warm and inviting. I pushed you to the ground.. It felt like I lost control of my body, but you pay no mind. I broke our kiss panting. ".... DogDay.... ", I said in a whisper. As I was about to kiss you again. " uhhhhh.... Excuse me ".we turned around to see the mail critter looking at up. His face was mad red and so was ours.... Well this is embarrassing." U-uuhhh.... I-i got a mail for.... Catnap... "He held out the envelope and completely walked away mid speed. I looked at dogday. I opened the letter and I read through. I froze in horror as I read through it.

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