A Miracle

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CatNap POV

"I'm sorry", I said before I closed my eyes waiting for the kill. " NOOOOOO", I opened my eyes and I saw a something that may my eyes go wide.

DogDay POV

It was like all my gears started turning in a rapid motion. I felt power, I felt fast. I look around. I felt like my body was growing to Normal sides. That when I realized I can move. Like I'm moving with out a wheel chair. I can walk. Suddenly, I connected my fist to kicken's face. Sending him flying to the garden "AND STAY THE FUCK OUT", I yelled to the top of my lungs. It's mayed all three of them scared shitless. They all ran and I started catching my breath. "....... DogDay", I turned around to see catnap in shocked. " DogDay.... Your legs.... Your standing ", I looked at my legs and I was in complete shock. I can move, I can walk. Tears stream down my eyes. " I can walk.... I can walk..... I CAN WALK.. WAHOO.... I CAN WAAAAALK", I ran around the house, running and jumping. I was smiling. I can finally walk.

CatNap's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. He can actually walk. It's a miracle. I smiled and laughed at his yelled and running. Then in a blink of an eye, he was running towards me. "CATNAP", he yelled with tears in his eyes. He jumped into my arms. It made me fall on the floor. When I came to, I see DogDay on top of me. Our nose was touched each other. DogDay began to cry happily. " thank you.. Thank you... Thank you so much ", he reaped. I smiled. " no problem ",suddenly our pup tag's started glowing. His was bright orange and mine was bright yellow. We both looked at each other. Then I felt my body starting to move closer. It's like my body has a mind of it own. I was really close to dogDay. His warm smile. His beautiful black eyes and smoothing fur. I then realized what I was about to do. " dogDay..... I.... I love you", I finally blurt out. Before he could answer, I connected my lips against his. Feeling his warm melt into me.

Dogday's POV

Before I could speak, he kissed me deeply. Sooner or later, I completely multed to the kiss. So wan , so warm.... So good and kindly. It was anything I could ever want. Soon we broke apart the kiss. "...... Catnap..... I love you too", I smiled. Out of nowhere, he picked me up and swirl me around like a long lost princess. I laughed. He held me in his arms" it's getting dark.... We should head to bed", I said looking out side. You looked at me and smiled. "As long as you shine in the night, there's no night to me. I only see light", his words were like flowers touching my heart. He made it towards the bed still holding me, and I giggled. " why are you laughing ", he asked. I couldn't help but blush. " when did you get so strong? Catnap", I asked. He grew quite for a moment and smiled "I'm just lucky I guess", he laughed. He place on the bed. " do you still want me to sleep with you ? ", he asked. I smiled. I wanted to do more, I want more then just sleep, but I didn't want to go to far, so I said" can you cuddle with me?", I asked hiding my blush.

Catnap POV

I couldn't believe it.. He wants me to cuddle. Omg omg this is a dream come true. I lay behind him and wrapped him in my arms. "L-like.... This", I asked shyly. He nodded and I felt relieved. As he slowly drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help, but smile more. First we kissed, then he let me pick him up and now I'm cuddling with him..... He's mine... He's finally mine.... I swear to my heart I will make his day better, and if those critters ever lay a finger on them, I'll rip to shreds. My heart is racing...... I promise you DogDay. I will protect you.

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