got your back

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CatNap's POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for DogDay to come out of the room. I felt really worried about him. He woke up in a panic and acted like everything's fine, but it  wasn't my business so I kelp silent. Suddenly I hear a loud noise in the room. I quickly got up in a panic and open the door. You was on the floor in tears. I quickly ran to you. "DogDay.... You okay... What happened", I said worriedly. I see you create a ball.

DogDay's POV

I couldn't help but cry. I thought I had... I thought I was okay to do it." I'm sorry...... I... I thought I can walk again.... I'm tired of being bullied. I'm tired of not walking... I want my old life back", I said crying hard. My heart was hurting so bad from the pain. I always love to run. Ever since I was pup, but now it's over. It's over for me. As I was about to give up, I felt arms wrapped around me. You whispered in my ear"I promise.... I promise with all my heart.... I will make you walk again". I felt my heart boil. He's been there for me.. He never left my side when I need it. I dug my face into his chest. "..... CatNap.... You would do that for me?". "Yes.... Yes I will", he smile. His smile was so warm, so truthful,.... So cute.. wait what am I saying. I shook my head. " you okay? ", he asked. " y-yeah... I'm fine", I said smiling. We was about to get up, until we heard a door kicked down. We looked up and what do u know. My three rivals.

CatNap POV

I looked up. It was the three critters that was beaten up DogDay. My smile turned to serious as I hissed. "Awwww look guys. The walk less dog even made a friend. How sweet. ", Kicken chicken said while laughing. " yeah. Sounds like he finally have someone to cry on. Look kitty we're only here for the mutt we got boar so we decided to have some fun with him. Now why don't you running and pretend like didn't see anything? ", Bobba said smirking. " how about you go fuck yourself ", I hissed. " I'm going anywhere. I made a promise to DogDay and I'm going to keep. Even if it means kicking your ass", I said. DogDay was in shock.

DogDay's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did he just say what I think he said. Before I could speak, I hear Hoppy cracked his nuckles. "You got a lot of nerve to talk shit to my friends. How about I put you in your place". Hoppy lunged at catnap. As Hoppy threw the first hit, Catnap catched it with his hands and in a slow motion, he raise his other hand and hit Hoppy with full strength, sending him flying. "YOU BITCH" bobba yelled and lunged twords him. Since catnap doesn't hit girls, he grabbed her arm and threw her out the door. I was stunned, surprised. He so strong, so brave. Suddenly I forgot about one more person. I yelled "CATNAP LOOK OUT". Before catnap could reach, I was held. A knife next to his neck. " you should have walked like a good kitty, but you choose violence. Now he's going to watch you die", kicked said while laughing evily. He looked at me. Tears streaming down my face. "No... Please don't do this", I begged. I looked at catnap who was in tears. "..... I'm sorry..... DogDay", he said before closing his eyes.

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