new roommate

414 15 7

Craftycorn's mind: what's going on...who are these boys...are they gonna do something horrible to me...or something far worse. I'm scared I don't wanna die

Dogday:hi would you like some tea?


Dogday hand Craftycorn some warm tea. She took a sip and she was feeling really calm now. nice tea.....

Dogday: thanks..catnap taught me how to make them

Craftycorn:catnap?? mean that purple cat?

Dogday:yes...he's my boyfriend

Craftycorn spit out here. She was really surprised..she never been to a gay couples house before. Dogday noticed

Dogday:are you okay?

Craftycorn:(coughs) I'm fine...he just hit me..hehe

Catnap heard the noise and went to the living room. everything alright?

Dogday:yes it's fine.  Just a little mess

Catnap: okay well I made cookies...even your favorite. Chocolate chip

As soon as Dogday heard Chocolate chip,he ran fast like the flash.  Catnap couldn't hold in his laughter any longer. Craftycorn only made a slight giggle from it. Then Craftycorn spoke.

Craftycorn: you two are really cute together

Catnap smiled.

Catnap: thanks

Craftycorn: so how long were you and dogday together?

Catnap: about two months. He's the best mate I could ever hope for. I wouldn't trade a penny for him

Craftycorn smiled

Craftycorn:I'm glad to hear it.....actually...I don't know what sex I like....I never even been on a date before.

Catnap:why what happened

Craftycorn lowered her head. Catnap saw a single tear in her eyes.

Craftycorn: my parents wouldn't let me talked to other people. They wouldn't even let me go outside and have fun like a normal ran away....I felt like a prison in that hellhole.

Craftycorn covered face as her tears falling.  Catnap couldn't blame her. He knew what it felt like to not even go out. He placed a hand on her shoulder,making her look up at him.

Catnap: if you want....maybe you can stay with for a while....will that be okay.

Craftycorn couldn't help but cry in his arms.

Craftycorn:(cries and hugs him)yes yes...thank you so much

Catnap:no problem....I'll talk to Dogday and maybe we could-

Dogday:there's no need to...I would gladly let you stay for as long as you can

Catnap:really?'s not right for them to do she's staying with us

Craftycorn jumped from existment and hugged dogday. They never seen her this happy before.

Craftycorn:thank you again. I promise I won't be any trouble to yall.

Suddenly there was a knock on a the door.

Dogday: who could that be?

Dogday reached for the door and opened it.

Well hears yall chapter of Catnap, dogday and Craftycorn. Although I wonder....who could it possibly be at the door?????...I'll let yall fans figure it out.(btw....the reason why I haven't written in one and a half years is because of school. I had to do a lot of test, but Don't worry my fans..I'll never forget you all. Plus it's almost summer, so have a great day and God bless)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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