eye on him, the truth

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Catnap's POV

We was in the room whole dogday(dress like Myra) prepare some drinks. Not gonna lie, I was pissed, but also scared of what he would do, so I kept my eye on dogday. "It's been so long.... Hasn't it? ", I said looking at my dad. " meh it was just fine without you", "not surprised", I said back. " whatch your tone boy", I said hissing. I didn't say a word. My life was fine without you and now you come and ruined it. You ruined my mother. I'll never forgive you for what you done. "FOOD IS DONE", Myra yelled out as she came to the living room. " finally took you long enough. You need to tell your girl over here to hurry up the place. By the way, it smells like sweat and discuss ", he said offensively. I really wanted to put him so bad, but I let my go inside me. My blood was boiling hot. " sorry I took so long", Myra said as she put the plates down. As soon as she was about to leave. "Oh it's no problem sweetheart", he said as he smack her on the ass. " just don't be late again ", he said with a wink. My blood was on fire, but I couldn't help but do nothing.

Dogday's POV

Did this guy just. Not only he's an abuss prick, he's also a sexual creep. I let out a low growl. Catnap gave me the" don't do it"glare and I walked off. I look at his mother. She didn't do anything. He must have really messed her up. I felt bad for her, but there's nothing I can do.

Catnap's POV

I was still sitting on the chair, blood still hot. "So..... Why are y'all here again? ", I said annoyed. " well my pet here wouldn't stop talking about you, so she Incurige me to come to this dump", he said as he pulled on my mother's leash. "She not a pet. She is your wife which is also my mother", I said. He bang on the chair, " I get to call her whatever the fuck I want. She is a mistake. A mistake of giving birth to someone like you", he said angry. That the last straw. I got up and slammed my hand on the table and yelled "THEN WHY WON'T YOU JUST FUCKEN LEAVE HER. I NEVER ASK TO BE CREATED. IT'S YOUR FUCKEN FAULT BECAUSE YOU WAS TO MUCH OF A PRICK TO PULL YOUR DICK OUT HER ASS", I started to catch my breath. His dad's face was red as a tomato. " you dare fucken raise your voice at me. After everything I've done for your ass to be here? ", he said. " OH CUT THE BULLSHITT. YOU WAS NEVER THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU. IT WAS HER AND ONLY HER. YOU JUST SIT THERE IN YOUR HOUSE BEING A DRUNK ADDICT AND TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON HER. SHE NEVER EVEN DID ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU AND YOU TREAT HER LIKE TRASH. I RATHER DIE THEN HAVING TO BE CREATED BY YOU, BUT MY MOM WAS SO GOOD SHE PROTECT ME AND KEEP ME AWAY ", I yelled out in anger. I was even more pissed of now. He was dead to me and I wanted nothing more to do with him. " raise your voice at me again and you'll end up like those dogs that I killed many years ago"he said. I stood there. "... What.... ", he started laughing. " oh son. I think it's time you knew ", he said with an evil grin. " many years ago, there was three orange dog. Your wife looks like one of them. They were happy and cheerful, so I decided to make their life a living hell. I shot women on the back while the mail took their son to hide. I was about to get rid of the evidence until the male dog came back. He tried to fight, but he was too stupid enough to realize I had a gun, so I shot him in the head. Moments later, there was a little puppy. Their son. I know he saw everything so I took matters into my own hand. I took the struggling puppy and I said to the puppy. "Sweet dreams" and threw him over. I dislocated the bodies and walked away like it never happened.", he said as he laughed evilly. I couldn't believe my ears. Did..... Did he..... ".... No.... It was... You.... You..... You killed... " suddenly I heard a glass break. I turned around to see dogday. He was still in the maid outfit, but his face turned pall. "You...... You did it..... You killed my parents? ", he said said shaking. Now..... We know the truth.

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