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Dogday's POV

He can't die... He can't.this can't be happened. Somebody please wake me up if this is a dream. I continue to cry on catnap's body. My body was shivering and broken. His mom sat there and hugged me crying. "He can't be dead.... I know he can't... He still there. ", I cried. I wish there was a way. After I thought it was the end, I sung my lullaby to him.

I kept singing and singing, thinking he was listening. Suddenly the was a bright light in the sky. You was so bright, it looked like the sun had fall down from the darkness. There's was a voice. Not scared, it was.... Calming and familiar. "..... Sing.... Keep singing..... Sing my dear", I soon realize who that voice was from..... It was my mother.. I was so confused. I wanted to asked how, but for catnap sake, I continued.

It felt like my heart was flying. Like being free from its cage. As I sang, it felt like the wind was all around us. His mother was speechless. I eventually ran out of breath and I dropped to the ground. I looked down at Catnap. Then I heard it. The sound of grunting and groaning." Ugh..... What happened... My head hurts... ", I couldn't believe it. He was alive. I cried and hugged him. My tail was waging. I literally forgot he was in pain.

Catnap's POV

" ow ow ow ow... I'm still in pain you know", "oh... Sorry", he let go of me so I can catch my breath. " man your a really strong hunger", I laughed. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN OKAY. I THOUGHT I LOST YOU", he yelled. I flinch and smiled. " all... You were worried about me? ", I asked smirking. He turned away blushing. " of course I do... I love you that's all.. I'll be alone again if I don't. T-that doesn't me that I cried ", he studder trying to acted bold. I smiled and kissed him. We looked at my mother who was filled with tears. She hugged me tight and I hugged her back. Suddenly, we heard a noise. Coming out of the rubble, we saw dad. Laughing. I hissed, I thought he was gone. " you thought you won huh. Well that's to bad", I guarded daogday and my mom as he pointed the gun. As we closed our eyes, waiting for the trigger, "POLICE... PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR", It was the police. Thank god they came. They cuffed dad and took him to the car. The police talked to my mom. The cops finally lefted and my mom fell to my knees. " mom..... You okay? ", I asked. She said the sentence I never thought I hear and glad that I did. "..... I'm free.... ".

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