The Letter

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Dogday's POV

I saw the fear in Catnap's eyes as he looked at the letter. "What's wrong Catnap? Why are you scared? ", he didn't look away he eyes was focused on Every word. I look at the letter. It read:

The letter:
Hello mistake. I know your out there doing god knows what, but I'll be coming to see your ass. My pet of your mother convinced me that we should visit, so be glad that we are. I barely want to see your ass since you left, but I'm gonna put my anger aside for now. However, if you don't got no good house or even a wife, I will have no choice but to punish you. I don't care Even if you are an adult now. Your still a weak of a son. I don't know why I even dated your excuse for a mother, so be glad your even here. I'm be coming tomorrow morning..... Don't.... Disappoint me. PS: your dad

I froze from what I just read. I looked at you. Your eyes we're full of tears. "...... Catnap?...... ".

Catnap's POV

fuck fuck fuck... Shit... How the fuck did he found me. I never even gave him my address. My heart felt like it's going to explode any minute now. "...... CatNap?..... " , I was back to reality and looked at you. His face was frightened like he seen a ghost. I grabbed him by the shoulders. "Run.... Run away as far as you can", I said worried. " CatNap your scaring me.. What's going on? ", he asked. " THERE'S NO TIME JUST GO DAMMIT ", I yelled. " no... I'm not leaving you"he said. I burst into tears. "Please.... I don't want you hurt. My dad is abusive and will literally hurt you if he found out", " what does it matter? He's gonna hurt you anyway and I don't want that. ", " but it'll hurt me even more you are", "I don't care if I'm hurt. I love you and I need you, so no I'm not leaving even if he kills me. Not on my life", "...... Dogday..... ".he kissed me. " don't worry.... I even have a plan.", he said confident. "What? ", I asked him. " I'm old enough to fit my mom's maid outfit and I'm good at changing my voice into a girl, so I'll do that", he said. "You think this is going to work? " I asked him. He smiled, "if he wants a wife, will give him one", he said confident. I hesitate for a moment, but I felt bold now. " okay... I'm with you, but I must warned you. My dad is a kinky bitch. Which means that he's going to look at you creepily."I said not joking. He nodded. "And my mom...... .... She's a very good person and I love her so much, but my  dad have her on a leash which I can't get a divorce over because she's afraid if he finds her. " I said worried. "I'm so sorry ... You must have had a really hard time" , he said. "Don't worry about me. As long as we go the plan, we'll be fine. ", I said smiling. " okay.... Let's go".we left to the house and I felt worried, but also confident. This has to work.... It has to.

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