true form/because of him

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DogDay's POV

"...... C.... Catnap?..... ", he breathing wasn't normal. His was mixed with anger and kill. He started growing larger. His fur lit up. He hissed again. His mom pulled me back, but I kept staring. What's happening to him.

CatNap's POV

My heart wasn't in normal speed. My form was about to be revealed, but I didn't care anymore. Why would someone be my parent, be such a gruesome killer. I felt in rage, fury..... Killing. I scream so loud, it made all the window glass break. " WHAT THE HELL", My father said surprised. "..... YooOoOou..... You Did ThiS... yOu ruIned his life...... I'll make you suFfeRRRRrrr. ", I said, my voice wasn't normal. My rage was inpecible. " well.... Sounds like the cat just came out the bag. Well then.... Come at me bitch", his dad said pointing the gun at me. He not my dad... He was never my dad. Dad's was supposed to kind. Dad's are supposed to be protective. He was no of the them. I lunge at him screaming. He pulled bathe trigger, but I douged it in time. I was too face, but I was also so big that the walls move while I did. My mom took DogDay outside while I went to war with my so called father.

DogDay's POV

"Let me go.. I need to help him", I screamed as I tried to release myself from his mother's grasp, but she was too strong. " no... If I do you'll be killed. We gotta hurry before we both get killed by them. I'm don't have enough strength to stop him. ", she said as she was still holding on to me. " I don't care.. Please let me go ", I begged. " why do u want to risk your life. What is so worth for that will make you risk your life? ", I asked. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. All the times I've been there, all the times he helped me, how he listened.. It was all.... Because of him. " I WOULD RISK IT FOR HIM. IT WAS HIM AND ONLY HIM THAT MADE MY LIFE WORTH A DAMN. I WAS SO ANGRY I WANTED TO KILL MYSELF WHEN I WAS BEING BULLIED, BUT HE STOPPED ME.... HE WAS THE ONE WHO MADE ME FEEL ME, SO I WOULD RISK MY LIFE FOR HIM BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE HIM. "That took a lot out of me, but I had to get it out. His mother was speechless, but as she was about to speak, we saw my house fall down to peacess. " CATNAP!!! ", I yelled I went over to him. He was laying there on the ground. I quickly went over to him. " no.... No no no... Please don't go.... Please..... I need you catnap.... Please ", I cried and begged for him not to leave. He can't be dead he can't... I buried my face on his chest and cried.

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