good night (NSFW)

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Dogday and catnap finished fixing the house back up. Dogday sigh.

Dogday:whew... That was a long builded

Catnap: (smirks) hehehe well... It really was a big house. .... And now we stink..

Dogday:yeah.. I need a shower..... Say catnap?


Dogday: (grins) would you like to join me in the shower?

Catnap: (blush) of course... I-i mean... Sure I'm fine with that.

Dogday and catnap went in the shower. There pendent on the table. The water ran through their bodies. Catnap was behind dogday looking at the view. He could feel himself getting hard by looking at it.

Dogday: catnap.. Can you get my back?

Catnap: s-sure

Catnap touch dogday's furry back. It was soft and smooth. Making him him harden even more.

Dogday:catnap... You okay?

Catnap:y-yeah.. I-I'm fine

Everything was normal. Until dogday accidentally dropped the soap (😏😏). Dogday bend down to get to get it making catnap look at the full view of him. Catnap hold it anymore. His cock was pressed against dogday making him jump.

Dogday: oh

Catnap: (blushes like crazy) i-I'm sorry.... I-i didn't... It's just that i-i

Dogday: shhhhh... I didn't know I see this side of you catnap (caress catnap's chest) it's hot.

Catnap:.... Dogday..... I-eep

Before catnap could speak, he sees dogday on his knees. He licked his lips

Dogday: (open his mouth) this will be fun(I began sucking catnap's cock) so delicious

Catnap: (moans) aghhhhh.... Dogday..... Fuuuuck

Catnap wasn't in his mind anymore. He wanted more.... He wanted him more than anything.

Catnap: fuck.... Dogday.... I'm close

Dogday: ( continues to suck hard)

Catnap: (grabs your head and begin release my seed) fuuck.... I'm Cumming

Dogday: (swallow every drop) fuck

Catnap: (panting) man.... Hey.... Why don't we finish this in bed? (Smirking)

Dogday: (grinning) you read my mind

Dogday picked up catnap and took him to the room.

Catnap:when did you get so strong?

Dogday: I have my ways hehe

Dogday place catnap on the bed.

Catnap:... Please dogday.... I need it inside me please

Dogday:your so damn cute when you beg.

Without another word, dogday took the lube on poured it on his cock. He gently slide into catnap entrance.

Catnap:(moans) oh fuck.. So big... Please harder

Dogday: fuck... Your so tight...

Catnap:yes... Yes right there . Don't stop please

Dogday: fuuuck.... I'm close.... I'm gonna cum..

Catnap:yes.... Fill me... Fill me up

Dogday: ( cums) fuck... So good

Dogday collapse on top of catnap, panting.

Catnap:man... That was.... Amazing

Dogday:hehehe I love you kitty

Catnap:I love you too puppy

Suddenly, catnap realize something

Catnap:uhhhh dogday.... Did you turned the water off?

Dogday thought for a second and realized


Dogday got up annoyed and walked to turn the water off. All catnap could do was laugh.

Dogday:it's not funny

Catnap:hehehe it is to me hahaha

Dogday: (smirk) you ass-hole

Catnap:you know you love me

Dogday: yes... Yes I do... Goodnight kitty

Catnap:goodnight doggy

The both feel asleep. Feeling happy that they found each other.

(I hope you liked the story so far. Let me know what y'all want me to write on the next chapter. Love you all 😘😘😘🔥)

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