dancing, shocking pt:2

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Catnap was finishing the dishes when he heard a smooth, rytheming music. He walked to see what it was. It was coming from the living room. Catnap walk in and saw dogday.

Dogday was moving to the beat while laughed and singing

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Dogday was moving to the beat while laughed and singing. He was unaware of catnap's presence. As soon as he looked at catnap smirked face, he jumped and fell on the ground making the music stop. Catnap couldn't hold in his laughter.

Dogday:owwww... Catnap?

Catnap:Hahaha hahahaha

Dogday:that's not funny.. Ow

Catnap:(hand out his hand) come on big guy.. Let me help you up

Dogday took catnap's hand and out of nowhere, catnap spined dogday around and put him in his arms.

Catnap:your so cute like this

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Catnap:your so cute like this

Dogday:(blush)..... Really

Catnap:(kisses you) really

They laughed, their heads together. Suddenly there was a knock

Dogday:who could that be?

Catnap:who knows... I'll go check it out

Dogday:(worry) please be careful

Catnap:(laughs) okay mom..

Dogday:I'm serious

Catnap:I'll be fine I promise.... I'll yell if anything gets rough okay?

Dogday nodded and catnap went to the door. Catnap opened the door.


Catnap nap stood frozen as the kicken chicken.

Kicken chicken:hey.... It's me again


Kicken chicken:it's okay.... You don't have to say it back.... I brought you both something.... My mom made it for y'all as an apology for my behavior....

Catnap opened a box to see a huge blanket that had me a dogday. Man... Kicken chicken must have gave her every detail. Kicken chicken smiled.

Kicken chicken:... I hope you both like it.... Well.... I'll get going now...

Kicken chicken was about to leave until.

Catnap:hey kicken chicken...

Kicken chicken turned around

Catnap:..... Thanks.... And we both forgive you.... Hope you come visit more.....

Kicken chicken couldn't help but smile. Nobody ever forgiven him before and it made me feel..... Happy... He stread tears in his eyes.

Kicken chicken:(wip the tears off and smiled) sure dude.. I'll be glad to... Se ya


Catnap closed the door. Dogday came out of the living room.

Dogday:well.. Who was it?

Catnap couldn't help but smile

Catnap:I'll explain later

???:so cold..... So cold(looks at a small house with a light) shelter.... Yes...

What's this... Another critter.. Who could it be? Is it a girl or is it a boy?

I have a quizz for y'all. Who is this critter?

I will give you the correct answer in the next chapter.

Have a great day and god bless🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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