new life, old me

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Dogday's POV

I was sleeping soundly until my alarm go off. I bang it with my fist and yawned. I was about to get up, but I couldn't move. I looked down to see hands wrapped around me. They were much bigger and it was purple. That's when I realized that I was in bed while Catnap cuddle me. I blush made crazy. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. My heart was beating fast again. Everything around me was spinning. When I came to, I turned to at catnap and I was shocked. He towered over me sleeping peacefully. When did he get so tall? I chuckled and started shaking him. "Ugh... Huh.... Oh Doggy", (that's what he nicknamed me) " sorry... Did I wake you? ", he asked. I couldn't help but laugh," no silly. I woke you up", "oh hehe my bad", he apologize. Suddenly I forgot to asked him something. " you hungry?", I asked. "For you? Yes, for food.... Maybe" he said smirking. I blushed a little. "You flatter me", I said. He laughed. I got got up from bed. " nice view there", he said sarcastically. I grinned "maybe if you be a good boy, I'll let you have it". His face turned mad red, " w-whaaat? ", " heheh just teasing you".he threw a pillow at me a yelled, "don't tease me like that", " come on you know it was funny ", I laughed. I'm so bad.

Catnap's POV

I laughed at his smirked face. I got up and stretch my whole body. I was flexible so it didn't hurt that bad. I yawned. You came in the room with delicious food. " wow.. You made those", I asked. " yep... My dad taught me how the cool when I was a pup", he smiled. "Where are your parents. ... Have they came to visit you sometimes? ", I asked curiously. I look at your face. Your smile changed to sadness. " there.... Gone.... ", he said. I felt bad for him. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked ", " no it's fine.... There in a better place now", he said smiling warmly. "You should smile more. " I said."why is that? ", he asked. " because.... It make you look cuter "I comply with a giggle. He blush( I'm never going forget how he blushes). " heh... You not so bad yourself ", " ahhh my feelings ", I said sarcastically. I stood up and walk closer to you. " your so cute dogday....never forget it okay", I said. "...... Catnap.... ", that's all he had to say. He couldn't think of anything else. I wrapped my arms around you.. " let's go outside and play at the park", I said. His tail started wagging. "PARK? ", he barked. He quickly ran out. I laughed as I saw that and walked out the door.

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