Discussion And Consent

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The car ride home was mostly silent for around 12 seconds before it exploded out of him. He knew he shouldn't, he knew they had things to discuss and go over and boundaries to set, but he couldn't help but cackle like a witch. "I can't believe my it! I simply cannot believe it!"

Connie snarled half heartedly at him. "It's not that funny."

"Oh, but it is. Only in the most ironic, laughing because I'm speechless kind of way."

"You don't sound very speechless," She grumbled.

"I had to keep it a secret for an entire month! And– and when you found out you panicked so hard you tried to get me arrested for harassment!" He laughed so hard his eyes were beginning to water, the sound now replaced with a slight wheezing as his diaphragm forced every atom of air out of him. "You're so silly, Ni."

She turned to look at him head on. "Why?"

"Grab the champagne baby, we need to talk."

He had been planning a long night of lovemaking, but this was far more important. Despite his laughter, he needed to let her know it was okay.

They'd both poured regular glasses of champagne, foregoing goblets simply because they were adults and they could if they pleased. Connie drank hers rather fast, and as non-competitive as he was normally, Steven followed suit.

He perched on the couch and patted his lap. "Come here."

She hesitated but sat. "Just tell me I'm a freak and you hate me and get it over with." Her voice was almost unintelligible through her hands as she spoke.

"I can't do that, Ni." He kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Why? What's going on with you? Why aren't you freaking out and disgusted?" She peeked out at him through her fingers. After a few quiet moments as he looked down at her through lusty eyes, her own widened and she shifted experimentally. "What are you doing?"


She groaned. "Don't play games with me. About what?"

He inhaled sharply; a tell tale sign he was about to risk something. He slid her from his knee over his pants and her head fell back instantly. The thick hardness she could feel through his dress slacks was calling to her. She went aglow inside, but he still hadn't answered her question. "Steven, about what?"

"I'm thinking... I'm thinking about you. And not just how I knew you before I found out. I'm thinking about you now, and all of the new ways I have to pleasure you," His voice was gruff in her ear, his hot breath scaling her skin and making her shiver with delight. "I'm thinking about how simple some of them are." His lips grazed the slope of her neck, tongue darting out selfishly to taste the sweat and perfume and skin. "I'm thinking about how I want to live out every fantasy of yours with you, and find the things we both really like together."

The air felt stagnant as he saw her grapple with his statement of agreement. "But–,"

"I've been researching everything. Every little kinky thing I found, I researched. I took time and effort to learn it. I've watched... so much porn." He admitted the last part sheepishly.

His girlfriend shifted around so she was facing him and cupped his cheeks. He couldn't tell if the champagne was making him even more horny than usual, or if it was the addition of the new things they were going to try but there was a pleasant tingle down his spine that settled into his thighs and legs as he leaned back against the couch. "What do you want to know?"

"For how long?" He inquired, trying to be as careful as possible.

Apparently that was the wrong question to ask because she pulled her hands away and hugged herself. "An inappropriate amount of time."

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