Anger Sex (Trial #3)

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Steven gripped the wheel, trying to calm his nerves. "It's not a bad thing." He knew he shouldn't say it, but it was true.

"You make it sound like a bad thing!" Connie exploded immediately at him, throwing her arms up. "And it's not true!"

He knew he was instigating, something he found himself often doing in a fight. He forced himself to stay quiet, he was the quiet one, he had to remember that. He could let his girlfriend yell, she needed to get her feelings out, but he had to be the mediating voice for both of them. The hero. "It's not a bad thing. It's just... who I am."

"You can't even say what you are! You're actively proving me right!" Her voice rose into a shriek as he slammed his breaks on their driveway pavement far too sudden.

He held his words for a moment so they would form into respectful ones. "I need a minute."

"Steven we have to talk about therapy today! Every time you do that we don't end up talking about it! You abandon it! You abandon me! You abandon you!" She cried, starting to cry at him. "You have to let yourself be angry! You're allowed to be angry!"

He tried to keep the venom out of his words even as he spoke louder, shouldering the car door open. "No, I'm really not!"

She chased after him, catching the door he tried to shove shut behind him, a physical show of him shutting her out. Or attempting to. "Emotions are human!"

"I'm not a human!" The pictures on the wall rattled slightly at his outburst, one falling to the ground to crack across the glass. He wanted to walk away, run even from this conversation. His lungs had him gasping for air, he felt dizzy and the outburst froze him to the spot.

He hated watching her eyes filled up with tears as she approached him. "Yes, you are."

"I want to be." He held her hips tightly, needing to feel her against him. "I want to be so badly."

She sniffed. "You are."

He rested his head in the crook of her neck to keep from screaming as his limit was reached. He was still panting, but it felt different now. Rage was making an alliance with something else.

It was her who initiated it, a soft meaningful kiss that turned into making out like hormone addled teenagers. Her hands ran up his chest at the same time his drifted to her butt, gripping as tightly as he could. This was his human vice; his lust, his love, his anchor.

His mind wasn't functioning when he slammed her against the wall, cushioning her head so he could kiss with no interruptions of injury. He explored her entire mouth with his tongue, and let his hands touch wherever he could reach.

Her hands slipped under his shirt, drifting around his curse, his diamond. "This- ah! This does not define you!"

"How?" A half lustful, half angry growl, but a sincere question. How could it not when that's all it's done his entire life?

He didn't give her time, he picked her up and brought her to the bed so he could press himself into her. Pure strength in her legs pushed him off, for a moment he panicked thinking he hurt her. "Let me kiss you."

He let her push him down and lift his shirt, biting on one of his nipples. She traveled down his body with just as much aggression, just as much passion. She didn't tease at his gem this time, her tongue ran along it covering as much of it as she could with her tongue. "Stars, fuck!"

"This is not you!" She pressed a frantic kiss to his chest. "This is you!"

He gritted his teeth, arching his back when her tongue ran along his shoulders and her teeth sunk in. He couldn't wait, he wasn't going to. Sides were flipped again and they fumbled with their clothes, half undressing themselves and half undressing each other.

He dove into her pussy, wet and inviting and sucked on her clit so she would wail. He needed her taste, to taste every inch of her insides before he filled her because in this state he would not last long. He needed this moment in time, this tangible taste of humanity. She rocked her hips as much as she could but he held her still, trembling with emotions threatening to burst out.

"St-Steven! You're human." She gritted her teeth as she tried to hold back her orgasm long enough to get the words out. "My human!"

He moaned when she came, her salted savory taste putting him on the fritz so hard he had to squeeze his dick along with her pulses. Connie wrestled her hips from his arms and rolled over onto her stomach, presenting herself and lifting her ass. "Let it out!"

He didn't take his time. She was already soaking, already stretching for him so he slipped into her like she was his home. He fucked her, hard, with blood roaring in his ears. He hated this, he hated not being what he wanted to be, the one thing he couldn't ever truly obtain. The deafness lifted when she screamed, "Green! I said let it out, so let it out and stop holding back– oh fuck!"

Steven grabbed her throat from behind, leaning over her back to push deeper into her pussy. His fingers had never so much as pondered the idea of choking her, not like this, so they stayed limp but firm. "H-how do I live with being this?" He moaned when she screamed and flexed around him. "How do I change?"

She laughed, another form of release. "You– shit, shit, shit! Slowly! You change slowly!"

That was his problem, he'd transitioned to every stage of his life so fast. He couldn't fathom changing slowly, he wanted to change now. "I feel–," His words fell flat to pleasure and hurt fighting a battle inside him.

"T-tell me!"

"I feel shattered! How can I live with my foot in both wor–," He felt a tear slip out as he pulled out. He needed to see her face, he needed to know she was there. "How do I live in both worlds without being torn apart?"

She smiled blissfully, despite being blurred by the strength and vigor of each thrust. "Th-that's the thing, Steven." Her hand cupped his face and wiped away his tear. "You don't have to. Not anymore. You are you. You aren't made of-of Diamonds. You're made of love. The human kind."

It hit him like a train, the sobs and the final release of his body coming together in a soul crushing climax that she returned just as violently. What a human thing to do, to cry and cum as if they could possibly mean the same thing. But his reaction was the same as hers, an almost angry crying that left them pulling each other as close as they could without fusing permanently.

Even as his dick softened and slipped out as he cried into her breasts, she held him fiercely. "You're going to be okay," She croaked through her own tears. "Not every day, but most days."

"Please. Hold me."

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